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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23381183 [DELETED]  [View]
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Going out with friends, socializing, having fun, making memories, getting ahead in life. While you was here shitposting on a beautiful spring weekend. Any last words anon before you inevitably end it?

>> No.23378511 [DELETED]  [View]
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Going out with friends, socializing, having fun, making memories, getting ahead in life. While you are here shitposting on a beautiful Saturday. Any last words anon before you inevitably end it?

>> No.23332473 [View]
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>t. formally educated bug-man
Fuck you and your credentials.

>> No.19300595 [View]
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I hate my girlfriend

>> No.19200907 [View]
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Any books on being an immigrant working a blue collar job with no friends, no girlfriend, poor social skills, that spends his time off either wasting his time on videogames or reading books in the attempt of being "well read"

>> No.16377219 [View]
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>too much of a pseud to be Ivan
>too much of a shutin to be Dmitri
>nkt even close to the level of goodness to be Alyosha

Guess I'm Smerdyakov...

>> No.16360022 [View]
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Planning on doing the same. Waste too much of my life on r3ddit/4chan. I'd get rid of my smartphone if I didn't use Maps and music apps everyday (spotify, music theory, guitar tuner, metronome, etc.).

I basically stopped playing vidya and have been focusing more on my hobbies. However, I'm still addicted to 4chan/r3ddit and porn, and I hate that about myself. Ted was right, technology only
serves to enslave us, not liberate us.

>> No.16338856 [View]
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why is his height worth mentioning...

t. 5'5" and suffering

>> No.15813244 [View]
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Hey k, i ordered 3 copies to holland. Youd get back to me yeah?



And send me a pdf if you will my love

European regional distribution office when?!

If youre going for subscription model it might be nice for a extra platform on the website for members such as art, art inspired on stories, etc. We can build a whole (elitist) nexus of creativity. The thing is youre looking at monthly payment for a quarterly product so it would be swell for monthly bits to keep the consumer masses satisfied. Hence selected artwork, or even lone selected monthly story online for members as an appetizer for the seasonal mammoth.

>> No.15210775 [View]
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more rejection letters came in once again. I know what I am drinking tonight.

>> No.14505388 [View]
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I feel the same anon. I just have to keep hoping, it's what Christ commands me do to.

>> No.14058808 [View]
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>thinks prayer is about asking God for selfish gain and "things".
Fucking cringe. Prayer is about praising God, it's not a transaction.

>> No.12228997 [View]
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Heading back home for christmas break in a couple hours. Hoping not to run into my ex-oneitis while I'm back. But she's friends with most of my friends so I probably will. I wish I knew what I was doing.

>> No.11911772 [View]
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Got up early today and took a long, introspective hike up a mountain. I was thinking about where I am in life, where I'm going. All the people I miss and times I wish I could have back. And of course my crush, who I finally admitted my feelings to months ago and naturally turned me down. It was really cold and windy at the top, but I sat and looked out at the world for a while. Then I grabbed the peak log and wrote a goodbye to the friends I've fallen away from and a short note to her saying how much I cherished our time together and that I was sorry that it ended the way it did. And that I missed her, of course. Even though I hadn't seen her for months this was the first time it felt like I was actually saying goodbye, and I teared up a little. After that I walked back down and went home. Now I'm just drinking tea and listening to a bittersweet playlist of songs I played when she was still in my life. When I still had that childish love for her and wonder for how good the future could be.

I miss that feeling.

Time to move on I guess The pain is still there, but it's faded to a dull melancholy from the overwhelming despair I was facing early in the summer. I don't really know what I'll do, probably just see where the wind blows me.

>> No.11842448 [View]
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So I was reading the Hagakure, when I remembered the recent events of the Linux moral code being changed. I was wondering what should a new code look like if it was similar to my readings from knights, samurais, military-political advisors, social groups scientists and people that have studied their "Moral Way" and ethic code with great dedication. This new code is cringe worthy in regard of our modern customs but it is fun to read. It is a bit of a social fiction as it would only make a normie laugh or be uncomfortable from the rigor implied.


As I was kind of down this week it is partly made of popping ideas that were here to kind of deal with having to go back to recurrent worries in my life and still have to work and be creative. It was kind of a fix for me.
Please share your ideas about the kind of sentences you would fancy having in a developer moral code. It is a bit of "hacker circlejerk" I admit but I kept myself from mentioning hacking because it brings a lot of fantasies to how people view IT.


>> No.11352808 [View]
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Today it's been three weeks since I got rejected by my long-term crush. Feeling pretty dejected desu. I miss her, even with all the unrequited love she was probably my best friend.

On a positive note, I'm talking to a qt I met on tinder who seems pretty cool so far.

>> No.11175091 [View]
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>do nothing all day except shitpost and watch Seinfeld
>nothing to eat but coffee
>feel like dying
>try to work on a short story
>can't write anything but melodramatic vitriol
>nighttime now, told myself I would read this evening at least
>can't focus
>cant' get my crush off my mind
>waiting for her to get back next week just so I can tell her I can't see her anymore
>listen to music instead
>writing this while waiting for the sleeping medicine to kick in
feeling pretty low right now

>> No.11029187 [View]
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>all i can think of is how both were manlets
i need to get off this site

>> No.10968664 [View]
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>> No.10915483 [View]
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I'm turning twenty soon and am feeling pretty dejected about it. That might sound ridiculous, as most people would say I'm just entering the prime of my life, but I do. I feel there's a lot I didn't get to do while in my teenage years. Never danced with a girl, didn't go to prom, didn't have any comfy nights out, never joined a club or sport, never got drunk, never smoked, never ditched class. Even if these things are dumb or useless I still wish I had the experience, you know? College hasn't been much better, my only friends here are gym buddies and I wasted the last two years chasing a girl who in the end has left me more heartbroken than I thought possible.

I imagine things are better than me than for a lot of anons, I have a few friends, have had women show interest in me, was never a total outcast. It still hurts though. I'm depressed, but normally manage it enough that most of the time I'm just a little sad.

The real issue is that I don't know what the future holds for me. I'm not good at being an adult. For a long time I just wanted friendship and love. I've kind of got that now, but I think the time for sort of blissful, childlike love I longed for has passed. Spending hours together with your companions each day is impossible with college and work and adult responsibilities and all the mundanities they entail. I do well academically, but not well enough to realistically hope to become a professor. I have good job opportunities, but can't bring myself to fall for the careerism meme. I'm lonely, only really seeing my friends during school breaks, which will soon be gone forever. I don't have big ambitions, I'd like to write and get published, I'd like to travel, I'd like to spend time going /out/, but none of those really give me any sort of drive. I don't know what to do with my life.

There are a few positive things I suppose. I've learned to love literature and philosophy and music and poetry and art in general. I've become more contemplative. I kicked my video game addiction, working on the porn one now. I'm in good shape and dress reasonably well. If I chose a path and threw myself into it I could probably succeed. But I've yet to see a path worth committing to.

>> No.10888028 [View]
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Just got off the phone with the girl I insisted I was over
somebody kill me please

>> No.10820581 [View]
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another night down the drain

>> No.8327207 [View]
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Holy fuck
>that entire article

Is it time to reconsider my life and the shitposting I do? Damn this brought some srs existential thoughts

>> No.8280847 [View]
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No but early twenties. Help me Anon, how do I break apart from this?

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