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>> No.9558511 [View]
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As much as I hate to bump this thread, I know it will get a hundred+ replies anyways so I may as well post my piece.

All races are absolutely retarded and full to the brim with the dredges of society. White, black, Jew, gentile, they're all shitty people who band together arbitrarily because they lack the personality to be fully an individual. And I don't mean in the witiotic "I'm not racist I hate everybody equally a-hah" way either. Every single race has its positive traits, but that is weighed down by the many many faults that each of them uniquely possess. Be it the sexual laxity of the Spanish, the miserable boorishness of the English, the arrogant nepotism of the Jews, or the bitter and degenerate mentality of the Black, it's all a thousand shades of shit with few diamonds spread far between.

Which isn't to say those nativists who hate immigrants are necessary right in their pessimistic assessment, far more often it's simply a base dislike of anything different or unknown mixed with the (subconsciously) honest observation that most immigrants vastly outperform them. It's no coincidence that all great men of history, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, and so on, were all foreigners in the lands they ruled, their very rootlessness allowed them to reach to the heavens.

I've often felt colonialism gets a bad rap for it's impact in the world. With it, it brought industry, writing, emancipation from slavery, countless revolutions, and the entire interconnected and globalized world. And in exchange for all this, all it asked in return is that races and families be destroyed, languages forgotten, the whole past that weight down on the peoples of the world burned to ash, the old Gods driven from their temples, and the monstrous works of art that had collected like moth balls through the centuries smelted down.

Indeed, the sole problem of colonialism is that it didn't go far enough. After decimating all the old cultures of the new world, the tragedy is that it didn't then turn back to Europe and wipe that away too. Imagine, every generation on earth being forged not by the thousand petty squabbles of the past, but by the bureaucratic machinery of the previous generation. This is especially true of the Chinese and Japanese, who's vain pride in adopting, refining, and perfecting the arts of other civilizations has allowed them to leap from obscurity to the spotlight of the world stage in less than a century

As time seems to speed up to keep pace with technology, the only peoples that make any sense were the Janissaries. That multicultural elite, holding no racial or familial bindings, bound together not by birthplace but by their own competence, skill, and common goals in the service of a vast Empire. This must be the future. The real minority of men, the intelligent, the cunning, and the competent, rising out of history and above the slavish mass of people around them to be achieve of something greater.

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