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>> No.16517160 [View]
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Can any Christian bros give me a run down on why god allows children to be killed by the Israelite's and himself in the OT? I'm not trying to be cheeky its actually bothering me and I'm trying to make sense of it. As far as I know we don't inherit the sins of our fathers or at least we are not to be punished for their sins, yet god says in Exodus 20 "I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, " this seems contrary to Ezekiel 20 "The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him."

I want to believe god is just and wouldn't snuff out children innocent of sin even if they still have a shot at redemption with Christs death and Resurrection. But if its a matter of kill them now and redeem them later it makes me wonder why bother with allowing human life to begin with, it makes me think abortion shouldn't be seen as wrong as everyone dies any ways and redemption is granted to those who die innocently any ways.

It seems very anti life to me, like its irrelevant to live a long and fulfilled life but I don't think that's right as the bible elsewhere seems to truly encourage a good and fulfilling life here on Earth not just in the Kingdom to come. Can anyone maybe set me right on what I might be getting mixed up here?

>> No.16354061 [View]
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Where do dinosaurs fit in? No seriously its bugging the fuck out of me, I think the orthodox views on things are damn convincing until I hit the snag of the existence of dinosaurs.

>> No.16326992 [View]
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So I recently got into Jay Dyer and Orthodoxy and the idea of taking Genesis to be literal. Some arguments are decent but I really can't grasp the outright denial of evolution. Darwinism obviously has some faults but I can't wrap my head around evolution being false of unprovable.

Can anyone recommend me some power houses of the anti evolutionary argument? I'm genuinely willing to give the idea a chance but I know if I try and search for it I'll find some people way out of their depth.

>> No.16015085 [View]
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In Plato's "Theaetetus" Socrates mentions that true wisdom is in becoming as close to God as you humanly can, but what "God" is he referring to here and how can one be sure he represents wisdom and truth other the other Gods?

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