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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.22434635 [View]
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>Otro post sobre ESL
La pregunta que se debería hacer este tablero con mayor frecuencia es la de cómo aprender el español para regocijarse con su vasta e imponente literatura. No se ha escrito párrafo ni estrofa en inglés que iguale o supere la complejidad ni belleza de las obras en castellano. El inglés es una lengua comodín, un simple puente entre idiomas más profundos y elaborados. Me siento afortunado de no tener las limitaciones del cerebro anglosajón, es difícil imaginar un destino más lóbrego.

>> No.20771827 [View]
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Why do girls have to put up the cutesy act? Why can't they just admit they're a retarded attention whore fishing for lonely men on the internet because they need to feed their egos and manipulate men? Trying to get simps on /lit/ out of all places. I hope OP and whoever adds her suffers a long and painful life. You're all cucks. She's getting fucked by an arab migrant chad while you try to win over her heart with /lit/ recs.

>> No.20713734 [DELETED]  [View]
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Using phrases is just a natural consequence of language and habit. I try to avoid overusing phrases myself. Although I agree that it can get annoying sometimes, especially if the phrase is misused frequently. It seems like some people just repeat certain phrases to affirm themselves, like they are trying to convince themselves that that phrase is true. "It's gonna be alright" "Nothing really matters" "We're all gonna make it"

>> No.20618347 [View]
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I tried watching some vtubers. Their gameplay is sub-par, yet not bad enough to be entertaining. They have no interesting commentary. The only appeal I can see is that it's just anime girls/boys, but for anyone who doesn't give a damn about that there's nothing else to offer. I'm a bit baffled at how popular vtubers have gotten, there can't possibly be that many people who would watch a boring-ass stream just because it's put on by an anime girl. I'm not even sure if most people who "like" vtubers actually watch streams, but instead just watch clips and regurgitate memes. The Japanese halo effect is real. Can someone who enjoys vtubers enlighten me if these assumptions are wrong?

>> No.20474287 [View]
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I need to get off this website. I'm convinced the feds are monitoring me now. They probably have been monitoring me for a long time now. I need to get my shit together or its only going to get way worse. I have a bunch of files I need to delete. Nothing illegal, just some anime fetish shit, but no one else but me and my fellow 4chan anons should see them. I need to eat more than one meal a day and do some work outs. Anything to make going outside less unbearable. I see figures out the corner of my eye when I'm wondering the house at night. It should scare me, but it doesn't. I have a bunch of delusions I need to break. I know they're delusions, but I still believe in them anyways, it's out of my control. I need to take a shit.

>> No.20391123 [View]
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Kys chang

>> No.19049594 [View]
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>> No.18513306 [View]
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One off.

>> No.18403962 [View]
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>off by one

>> No.18146107 [View]
File: 471 KB, 551x550, BatemanCringing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-pad doesn't count.
I said L I T E R A T U R E

>> No.17158057 [View]
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>needing events to be good

>> No.16431873 [View]
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>To read: 10,000 books
>Read: 500 books
>Average review: 4.98

>> No.13043443 [View]
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>Burger schools

>> No.12852468 [View]
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>Zadie Smith

>> No.12659196 [View]
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>download audiobook
>"This is a librivox recording..."

>> No.12524008 [View]
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>Brainlets actually believe that the man turned into the judge and raped the girl

>> No.12503578 [View]
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why did you keep reading after the first sentence?

>> No.11487532 [View]
File: 471 KB, 551x550, disgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a /tv/ wanders out of its quarantine zone and lashes out at its superiors thread

>> No.11112403 [View]
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>it's a teenager claims Shakespeare is outdated thread
Hey kid, Shakespeare is OBJECTIVELY not outdated. Your opinion is a load of horseshit. Shakespeare has been dead for over 400 years and he's still widely read. He's the most influential English author of all time. You're simply too pleb to understand his timeless work.

>> No.10730984 [View]
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American here, I can't believe you unironically brought up Harris and Chomsky to defend our nation. You sicken me.

>> No.7328528 [View]
File: 471 KB, 551x550, 1446673005064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a greentext thread on the "intellectual"/"art" (/his/, /lit/, /sci/, /biz/, /pol/, /v/, /g/) boards

>> No.5622041 [View]
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>> No.2619344 [View]
File: 471 KB, 551x550, 1316143509033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>annos domini 2012

>eating at fast food restaurants
>eating at any restaurant that has teenagers in the back who don't need the money they earn to pay bills

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