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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.13903682 [View]
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my local library barely has any books that are worth reading because i live in a small slav shithole and i am too poor to pay 20$-100$ for shipping so i just pirate a fuck ton of books then read them on my phone wherever i am.

>> No.13883872 [View]
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i don't give a shit about today's internet political guilds so i am going to talk about the book.
kapital is really fucking boring and long. it's like simplifying a complex work of literature but without removing any detail so you end up with a work much longer than the former but way more boring.
maybe it's just me because i am not interested in economics but rather in sociology and philosophy

>> No.13840323 [View]
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>he plays gaymes and reads litrature
>he doesn't listen to xiu xiu/have a nice life and read cioran

>> No.13794244 [View]
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it's just preferences you fucking retard. a hedonist knows that what he is doing is "wrong" but he doesn't care because his pleasure is the most important thing for him. it's literally impossible to refute.
btw hedonism is one of three (or two) ways a person departing from nihilism may take

>> No.13734577 [View]
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it's all a repetitive circle like this: no award, seek award, get award and this eventually wears out, when it wears out you seek a change but after a few changes you realize even changes go through the cycle of award, and no matter how many layers you go you are trapped in this circle because those hormones are just like light. darkness (sadness) is the origin and the base but lights comes to flatter us.
if you dig deep enough you will eventually alienate your consciousness from your endocrinological self and you will see your body as a predictable machine while you just observe unable to do anything.

>> No.13732968 [View]
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>I didn’t feel like I could be an engineer

I bet those feelings came from outside.

When I finished my degree suddenly tons of people appeared around me giving me stupid advice that would made me fail first year of college if I followed it. They saw an opportunity to hook their useless garbage onto an ongoing process. Some of them were in the same positions as me, but they did not apply themselves during college the way I did and they magically started to think their advice is valuable. Some of it was well meaning but useless regardless. Some of it the product of jealousy.

You are an engineer Anon. Don't let them get in your head. Your title is probably Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. Carry it as a symbol of what you've accomplished. Don't let them take it away from you. Don't swallow the talk that you need X year of experience so you can call yourself a real engineer or that you need to know everything in the field on account of having the degree.

Isolate your work from other people and start loving the things that are yours. Jump straight into the next phase. You're going to figure the problems out one after another once they appear. It's never too late.

If you can't find anything then learn to code.

>> No.13652517 [View]
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if you understand anything about neurology you would know that this is impossible.
the brain doesn't act in a logical, binary or linear way and it uses biochemistry with electricity to transfer signals meaning that each single individual possible thought (for example imagining a red flower) needs to be recorded, monitored, studied then put under a profile for this very specific thought so the machine can give it or detect it.
of course not all brains act in the same manner so each individual brain needs to be studied individually.
also such machine would need to monitor your blood and every single individual neuron so yeah fuck off
btw neuralink is only so paraplegics can move a cursor on screen with their brains and this technology has already existed since long before neurallink and it probably relies on monitoring motor area of the absent limb of your brain + plus your eye coordination

>> No.13643479 [View]
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For me choosing UCB over my other options was definitely a mistake, but Berkeley still has great stuff. I know two people who are doing nuclear and both enjoy it. The student population in general I would say is a combination of try hards, hippies and liberals (although they exist it is nowhere near how they are portrayed. There are also large groups of cringey replublicans and zionists), and then most other people I guess. The campus is really beautiful unlike outside of campus where it is ugly and dangerous, but also very special and will hopefully grow on you with time.
They also have services you can use to get help like tutoring, writing help, and psychological services but just don't expect them to help you themselves.

I would definitely reccomend you do it if you can.

>> No.13596358 [View]
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>Hearest thou
>Thou too shalt

>> No.13559117 [View]
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literature = words charged with meaning

kino = images charged with meaning

really gets the noggin joggin

>> No.13519569 [View]
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>Why yes I am a trot
>Why yes I am a western white too stupid or too afraid to challenge my deeper held beliefs on socialism and the world around me but is instead comfortable to hold a weak notion of anti-capitalism devoid of any larger understanding of national and international struggle while postulating as if I do
>Why yes I believe stalin was a pranoid power hungry monster who betrayed the revolution and that I am the true leninist eventhough trotsky's ideas were themselves guided by his narcissism
>Why no I don't realize trotsky offers simple surface level analysis of stalin's rule of the soviet union and that lenin hated trotsky calling him a worm and a dispecable careerist even though trotsky always maintains that he was the one true leninist
>Why no I don't realize that stalin was actually not anti-semitic nor was he a racist paranoid monster and that anti-stalinist propaganda only exists because of the nature of stalin's successful rule as being a threat to existing capitalist order and that the trot only exacerbated these false accusations by giving into the capitalists because the trot is a power hungry political prostitute who even refused to learn yiddish growing up because the trot saw it as beneath him and then readily mingled and socialized with western circles after selling out the soviet union and then wondered why the soviet jews hated him
>Why yes I do believe stalin did not understand the dialectic and will continue calling him out for being a brute anti-intellectual unline trotsky, and thus continuing the obviously wrong and hypocritical notion of trotsky having sound political ideas as opposed to stalin because I am a fucking idiot that is oblivious to the fact that stalin did understand the dialectic and the whole of marxism and was in fact not anti-intellectual and that he was also a very clear and concise writer who wrote for the working class and that this notion is only possible because he was a georgian working class man unlike the incredibly wealthy and privileged and much stupider and more incompetent trotsky
>Why yes I realize the trot to neocon piepline is real and that even after my transition I will continue being a hypocritical idiot about the larger international struggle as I was when I was a trot
>Why yes I realize him and his work have been possibly the most damaging thing to socialism, not just under the soviet union, but also to any vaguely anti-capitalist struggle in non-western countries, but also in western countries as it grasps more privileged and less smart white kids into a shitty belief system called "trotskyism" and that one of the genuinely most harmful mistakes to the advancement of post-capitalism was that Ramon Mercader did not kill the trot earlier
>Why yes I am white, and why yes I do have an IQ of 110 and unironically believe I am genius, why do you ask?

Is there any ideology more indicative of a pseud than vague centrism and trotskyism?

>> No.13513813 [DELETED]  [View]
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Is it just me or is the NPC thing 101% true, and at a much deeper level than even the jokey memes usually go? I can't really articulate it, but it's like the average "normal" person is a combination of completely docile on the one hand, and absolutely fucking wired on the other. They're super positive and intensely focused and enthusiastic, but all it's focused in on... nothing. They're just totally focused on whatever mundane shit is in front of their face.

And if you try to pry them away from it, you get complete resistance. I mostly hang out with rich people and people in university, with lots of leisure time and plenty of incentive to think, and they're MORE docile and retarded than the dregs. Every single person has default opinions, a default outlook, default hobbies, default interests. Everyone is perfectly happy to be like everybody else.

>> No.13503091 [View]
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Now I get why I can't understand his perspective.

>> No.13443440 [View]
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>I didn't read fascism but let me play Freud

>> No.13439845 [View]
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It's not to prove that they're smart, it's to attract other people with similar interests. You use a medium to form a connection. Everyone does it. It's the equivalent of a comic convention or of a damn bar. The bar is the medium that gives you the opportunity to pick up girls and some people call that confidence, or courage, but it's the environment that does 90% of the work. Why do you think people use social media. Saying "I like you" is one click away. An algorithm does it for you. I would argue that people use it because they don't have a developed personal philosophy regarding that topic so they pick what's convenient as a filler.

>> No.13427848 [View]
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Since when is showing less ass anti-lit? My favorite writers appreciated ass to the fullest.

They are 18th century romantics.

>> No.13316438 [View]
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>> No.13294142 [View]
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How is this /lit/ related?

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