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>> No.23409549 [View]
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You ever notice how zoomers often come into threads or other online spaces (not necessarily this board, although sometimes) just to essentially brag about how much they hate reading even though all they do all day is post and read pointless stuff on social media.
It's like they'll happily read 100 separate social media posts that amount to not much but if you put the exact same amount of words into one essay with an actual point it becomes insurmountable. It's like if something is even one line too long (AKA 2 lines) their eyes glaze over and they zone out. It's not about the amount to be read it's just about how the reading is abstracted and "spaced out".

I feel this is very emblematic of general reading habits today and how people view reading. It's like people want to be plugged into this chaotic endless stream of collective consciousness rather than the structured lucid consciousness of one individual.
If I made this very post in most places I know most people would just ignore it. Just noticing things.

>> No.23241136 [View]
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Haven't read in a few days. I had a good streak going.

>> No.21453534 [View]
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Having expectations for life is a dangerous game.
I hope you know how to play for your own sake.

>> No.20029215 [View]
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I absolutely think there is often a sexual component to it but I think the biggest driving factor is actually far simpler. Basically I think the common sentiment that all of these people share is this: "If I become the opposite gender everything in my life will click and fall into place". At it's core transgenderism is an escapist fantasy. It is predicated on the idea that the person you are now cannot be the real you because you are dissatisfied with that person and the life they've built in some way. The ultimate act of realizing this fantasy is of course sex reassignment surgery (SRS). The reason suicide rates are high among transgender people is because once they attain SRS they gradually realize they are in fact not a different person at all. They are the same person but now there is no greater step beyond SRS. That was the most dramatic action they could have taken but it has not had the dramatic effect they had hoped. So they become desperate for people to treat them differently, desperate for attention, desperate to believe and make others believe that gender is the most defining aspect of a person, desperate for even the slightest validation that they are indeed a completely new person, but it doesn't work and deep down they know it won't. At best they are patronized for a short time then ignored like any other normal person and at worst shunned completely. Most "normal" people will fall somewhere in-between and convey a subtle (but nonetheless detectable to the hyper-aware and self-conscious transgender individual) instinctual sense of unease and discomfort at their presence if only because they too are hyper-aware of offending them or appearing politically incorrect. It's out of their control and they become frustrated. They wanted to be treated differently but not like this. The escape did not work. They are backed into the final corner. They have nowhere left to run...
Yes it's sad and it's sadder that such desperate and unwell people are being exploited so much for financial gain.
I think this applies in some sense to pretty much the entire LGBTQ etc... spectrum but it manifests by far the strongest in transgender individuals because they naturally have the most dramatic sense of transformation. It is clear to see that most if not all people who ascribe to this spectrum put a great deal of emphasis on the "awakening" and subsequent "coming out" events for these reasons. The transformation is paramount but I think the less dramatic that transformation is the more amenable to the psyche it is if it does not produce the desired result.

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