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>> No.9694150 [View]
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>how religious
When I was in middle school I did one of those What Should You Study tests? I wanted it to say, movie director. The answer: philosopher. Or, no kidding, rabbi. I did not know what either of those were. I didn't know any rabbis, I didn't go to church, and apart from that one guy I didn't really know what philosophy was until a little later. And even then not really until I started reading it more seriously. Now I'm just fucking overwhelmed by how Interesting it all is (and that one guy has quit the game). It doesn't ever appear to get less interesting. Unfortunately it only gets more Fun...

>how superstitious
I don't watch Alien Autopsy and I don't do conspiracy theory. It seems intellectually lazy. But I have had legit supernatural experiences I cannot explain. Three of them come immediately to mind. Two of them surrounding people close to me dying or nearly dying and one extra-weird ghost encounter that was shared by/with another skeptic. Things that could no more be predicted than explained. Not life-altering events but highly memorable. So I hold the reins fairly loose in that sense.

And I keep reading stuff and getting Blowed Up Real Good. Some stuff just resonates, picks locks that you thought were just Things You Are Supposed To Live With. And then apparently they aren't, except nobody else was ever going to fucking tell you it was like that except Heidegger or Deleuze or whoever.

So I'm good, in other words, with looking really, really stupid. I think that's a very becoming attitude to take. Total Bewilderment. It's the correct stance vis-a-vis the world. Wasn't raised Catholic but all the guys I like seem to skew that way, or in similar ways. I don't know what it means. But cynicism is for lamers.

Anyways...this is a way cool article and Hegel is dope. Thank ye kindly for posting it, can't wait to dig in. What a treat. If Hegel had gotten to me before Heidegger I might be referencing him more. But I think in a way...it's much the same thing. The esoteric and the exoteric. Much the same. Or at least far more in common than different. All roads meeting at the top.

>I feel like, to shorthand it, there is an inescapable element of Hegel and all subsequent Continental philosophy that belongs on /x/
Not all that crazy.

>Which may be part of the magic spell that Hegel, the sorcerer, intended to weave.
Could be. Certainly there's a point beyond which Landian conversations about Capital go into places no less bizarre. For all of it it only makes Catholicism look better and better. For lots of reasons.

Teilhard de Chardin didn't have a problem with faith and science. Apparently McCarthy only wants to talk particle physics these days. Makes sense to me. Whatever the fuck the experience of being alive and consciousness means it's definitely not one that admits of being neatly tied up in bows, that's for sure.

>> No.9667166 [View]
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>The map is not the territory.

>and, added girardfag, although by this point nobody was any longer paying attention on account of the singularity distantly blossoming on the horizon, culture mysteriously explaining this process to itself in a way that neither suffocated nor wildly defragged it is arguably the fundamental underlying process of ritual, art, and mimesis, and which themselves composed of a restless constellation of ambiguous and overlapping questions including aesthetics, seduction, time, love, death, and god, in some intriguing uncertain order, relation, and intensity
>then he had to go to fucking work god damnit motherfucker fucking god damn capitalism fuck my face

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