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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.19796000 [View]
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>I'd be sad to see that country go
Why would you be sad? Unless you're in finance, journalism or government bureaucracy in which case you're fucked. The new regime would no doubt view much of the current elite as enemies to be overcome, so they would have to break up and replace many institutions with new people more friendly to them. They would also need to direct most of their police resources against putting down riots by ideological opponents, so anarcho-tyranny ends and citizens are free to arm themselves and form mutual defense pacts.
Immigration would likely be limited to those who share the religious beliefs of the new order, so there would be a labor shortage and wages would rise. The downside is that the price of labor intensive services would rise accordingly, so you would have fewer luxuries. I don't really see why this should be a cause for sadness, however. You're basically trading away your pokemon cards and frozen tendies and getting security, job opportunities and strong monocultural communities in exchange.
>Their ban on abortion would make them a minority in 30 years.
>It almost seems like a distraction, keep religious people focused on muh black babies instead of other issues.
If they were able to enforce a blanket ban it would certainly cause the black population to rise. The White Evangelical and Hispanic Catholic populations would also continue to rise, however, resulting in a balkanized USA. People generally don't mix very much unless they are pressured to though - Blacks don't like their neighborhoods "gentrified" anymore than Whites like them "diversified". Given the opportunity they would self segregate into separate polities, either controlled by the new regime directly or becoming satellite states of a central power.
The much more likely scenario, however, is that they wouldn't be able to enforce a ban on abortion outside the areas where they are already the majority. Think of the current strategy of setting up sanctuary cities for the unborn, but expanded to a county or even state level. They would thus raise their own birth rates while other groups continue at their present rate.
>The entire Jewish species are spiteful mutants
I suspect that is more true of those who leave, or are rejected by, the Orthodox community. Hardline rabbinic Judaism is very eugenic in nature, favoring high intelligence and in-group preference. A lot of the genetically healthiest Jews have also made Aliyah, leaving the mutants behind in their former host nations (just look at the difference in appearance between an average Israeli and an average diaspora Jew).
If you wanted to criticize the Jewish influence on the West, I think it would be more accurate to call them dumpers rather than parasites. That is to say, they dump their genetic waste on their hosts, so that their core population can remain as pure and vital as possible.

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