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>> No.12065908 [View]
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>I had someone unironically call me an NPC IRL and it took me a week to process what the fuck happened.
chalk another one up for Absolute Hermitage. fucking people man, how do they work

>No joke I bought a purple sweater two weeks ago.
based. the Purple Cashmere Sweater meme comes from Deleuze, who truly made it the patrician garment that it is. you know how the Masters has the Green Jacket? continental phil has the Purple Sweater. Deleuze is a fucking complete sage of Cosmotech & Uncle Nick's great mentor. Ranciere rocks it as well, altho i haven't read too much Ranciere, tbqh. but i think this should be a thing.


>I very much like how the "again" resists the logic of the "new" or "more".
fits the Cosmotech in-joke about going System-Complete at threadcap also.


>the point of having a dick is to fuck, does that mean I gotta be fucking all day?
kek, i'm going to remember that one. & again, it comes back to addiction/a priori Burnout. we're fucking monkey-Wired for Desire and, well. Awesome Opinions intensify &c.

>The third-eye and throat chakras are just two out of seven, and focusing all your energies there is /obviously/ gonna unbalance your shit.

I'm going to write some stuff about this. elsewhere, but i'll post it here if it's good. time has a certain relation with panic, obv. but Fucking Affects, How Do They Work? you get the idea. part of being on the Cosmotech Bomb Squad.
>don't push that button just yet

>I have yet to discover a means of encrypting angst into something that ameliorates this risk.
the word that comes to mind is, 'philosophy.' that's all i got, anyways.

let's keep throwing stuff and see what sticks.

>Yes you can. Haxton is a bitch!
this cost me about eight cents worth of coffee. well played sir well played

>people are always springing things onyou in that way and then you just go through the motions
Space Taoism Fuck Yeah. can't get trigged. Walk Without Rhythm &c. 'tis the only real thing, just don't be an NPC. that's all. and it's hard, because our brains work like that. talking to NPCs-NPCifies. better to leave 'em be.

>do you talk like THIS
IRL i will fucking talk *for hours.* this is my *condensed* version. i will fucking keep going like the Energizer Bunny. and i do this because i am wired like that. hence trying to Get a Grip. by just trying to figure out What Language Meant By This. again, of the small number of people i know, they have all been very *patient* with me. and for this i am only grateful. but the Wild Ride, you know how it is. it too has no bottom. and that is the point entire of Cosmotech.

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