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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.4789240 [View]
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I'm proud of you anon. Remember, who dares wins. While it didn't work out, you couldn't really ask for a better rejection.

I wish I could find a qt gf I'm just shitty at meeting people in general. I don't stink or have bad social skills but I find myself shuttling back and forth from college, from lecture hall to bedroom. My mom is always bugging me about not getting out more. I wish I even knew a girl to write love letters to. I feel like that guy in the Painful Case in Dubliners.

>> No.4778663 [View]
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that shame

>> No.4471769 [View]
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>tfw i want to help kids to get started on reading
>tfw i can't approach them because i'm terrible around kids and am scruffy 24/7
>tfw i always forget what are the best books for children
I just want to save them from becoming retarded.

>> No.4155605 [View]
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>manuscript saragossa

read that a long time ago

>street of crocs

nice descriptions and metaphors, boring everything else


already read him. yet, nothing of his compares to when i was 12 reading The Hobbit and Forgotten Realms, or when I was 10 reading goosebumps and ghost stories

>> No.2903807 [DELETED]  [View]
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when will it be my turn to enjoy high-brow, superficial, purple prose Literature like the rest of lit?

>fantasy / horror genre master race

>> No.2769688 [View]
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>tfw you start reading late at night and soon your sleepiness overcomes your desire to keep reading

>> No.2762988 [View]
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I am so scared to start writing because I think once I begin I will realize how awful I am. I am not sure I could handle that kind of confidence shattering realization.

I want to tell people stories. I always have. I want to make people laugh, cry, and think. I want to entertain people. It's all I ever wanted.

Any advice over how to get over this anxiety?

>> No.2576380 [View]
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>That feel when I couldn't even ask a girl out because I'm as quiet as the Driver.
>That feel
God damn it feels /r9k/ up in this bitch

>> No.2510457 [View]
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>> No.2498349 [View]
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>(same shit happened over a dozen times) girl asks me what book I'm reading.
>"Insert book name here", point at the huge fucking title on the cover
>"What's it about?"
>One instance with On the Road: "Well, it's about travel, drugs and ... threesomes."
>The Feel when this shows that I can in no way communicate with girls
>That Feel

>> No.2494038 [View]
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>feel sorry for people who only read "literature" and will never know what it's like to enjoy a book and have fun

>> No.2457631 [View]
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I bought thirty books last year and I still haven't read any of them. And yet, I still check books out of the library (most of which I don't finish.)

I know that feel, bro. I know it so hard.

>> No.2365746 [View]
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>> No.2347656 [View]
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These days it takes a lot longer to become a man.

>that feel when you don't live in the 50s where you could graduate high school, get a job, and be able to buy an okay tier house within a few years complete with wife and kids

>> No.2280828 [View]
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My parents are far too lazy to buy me books, so they just give me cash. Can you /lit/erary people ass to my list, because it feels small.
>Dance of Dragons - George R. R. Martin
>The Prince of Nothing - R. Scott Baker
>On the Road - Jack Kerouac

>> No.2265129 [View]
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>read a lot of philosophy
>get BA in philosophy
>try and read literary fiction
>everything that was "deep" is now superficial and tedious
>try and read genre fiction
>everything that was "exciting" is now cliche

oh god what have I done...

>> No.2262338 [View]
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What's so great about "the metamorphosis" ?
Guy gets turned to a bug. Ok neat.
His family is annoying and treat him like a tool.
He dies.

What is the big deal, I don't get it...Why is this a "deep" classic.

>that feel when "high-brow literature" is plebian and shallow

>> No.2195334 [View]
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is reading an escapist pleasure?

I used to like escapism when I was younger. I read fantasy and felt like I was being transported into a different world. Real life was boring and trivial.

But now the more I become interested in the real world, its history and economics, the less I feel the desire to escape it. As a result I enjoy fiction less and less.

>> No.2173351 [View]
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