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>> No.20429360 [View]
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>Notes from Underground
>The Crying of Lot 49


>The Stranger
>Crime and Punishment

>> No.20210055 [View]
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I simultaneously want to find friends and isolate myself, and I can't tell how much of the latter is justified - due to how generally retarded most people are - and how much is not justified, and is me being afraid of meeting people. It's not like it's easy to find like-minded people around here either; I'm living in the exurbs still for (technical) college and I'm jealous of my (one and only) friend, who is at a 4-year school and yukking it up with the people there. We barely talk now.

Also, the chances of me getting a girlfriend out here is near zilch, unless I use dating apps and commute to the city, which is unsustainable for any actual relationship and not even worth it to get pussy. I had a fwb with a girl out here for a while and I fucked it up by being an asshole (although that whole thing had been circling the drain for a while I think).

I think I may just have to hunker down for a while until I get my degree and can move somewhere else. Also, sorry for blogposting, but I am just writing what's on my mind.

I've been there with the whole cliche thing and feeling embarrassed and stupid for even being depressed, and you just have to kind of accept it and not judge it or yourself. It isn't your fault. First place I'd start is making a doctor appointment, they'll give you a like screening test and tell you what to do from there.

How about I stick my dick between your lips big boy

>> No.15240799 [View]
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>the free market and individualism are cooler ideas than you give them credit for, they've been bastardized by corporatists and straw-manned (or whatever you call it) by leftists.
Not really, neoclassical economics and their main supporters have been the laughing stock of economists. Almost no one who studied outside of shitty austrian economics supports the shitty (as even misleading) names of "free" markets. And non of these economists are by any means leftists since they dont oppose the existence of markets or private properties.
>Deleuze and Guattari scooped a lot of their support for non-hierarchical structures from foundational libertarian philosophers and libertarian thought has produced a lot of very interesting thought on rhizomatic cultural form.
This has nothing to do with the context, if anything Deleuze and Guattari's works are more on how capitalism butchered and deterritorialized cultures and social codes to make itself more efficient and keep its system growing. At the end of the day its more of a critique of capitalism than anything supporting free markets.

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