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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.20149864 [View]
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This is actually an interesting thought to me. In 100 years, when St Peters Basilica will probably be turned into a Museum and the last Pope is leading his own band of loyal followers somewhere in Israel(if it still exists), how would the Catholic faith develop without the head of the Church leading it? Would secret Catholic cults develop? Would we see a underground society of Zealots?

It's kinda like I am Legend.

>> No.20087819 [View]
File: 196 KB, 1140x641, 1578164927337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah i studied a bunch of high-level metaphysics and theological traditions but then i just decided to be a standard christcuck
>also every religion besides mine is demons, fuck nuance and multifaceted in-depth philosophical analysis and comparison, everyone who doesn't worship the jewish god the right way is basically screwed
>also UFOs are demons
>also when you die you float up and get attacked by demons in tollhouses that automatically send you to hell if you're not lucky enough, no i don't have any sources for this besides secondary writings from some priests like 300 years after the new testament was written, just take my word for it
>also the world is 6000 years old and evolution isn't real, trust me on this even though i know literally nothing about biology, astronomy, or geology, here's a bunch of rehashed arguments against evolution that have been refuted a thousand times, if you think that my literalist interpretation of genesis is ridiculous and clearly self-contradictory given all of the inconsistencies between chapters 1 and 2 you're basically just fucking retarded bro lmfao, what are you a LIBERAL MODERNIST???
How the fuck is anyone able to take this hack seriously? Is this some kind of practical joke?

>> No.18981046 [View]
File: 196 KB, 1140x641, Fr Rose 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post sincerely held religious belief
>get called a LARPer
It doesn't take a genius to know that the people who call others LARPers over this have no sincerely held beliefs themselves, the question is why so many of those kinds of people browse this board in particular where we're all supposed to be well-read, well-developed, and at least with some framework we operate from.

>> No.16516363 [View]
File: 196 KB, 1140x641, rose-1140x641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rabid Guenon poster before it was cool
>shitposted about Stirner before it was cool
>wrote hundreds of pages against evolution and Catholicism
Was he a proto /lit/ poster?

>> No.15003632 [View]
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>“It was René Guénon who taught me to seek and love the Truth above all else.”

>> No.14997956 [View]
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>“It was René Guénon [(ﷺ)] who taught me to seek and love the Truth above all else.” This philosopher [(ﷺ)] inspired Eugene to get to the core of Chinese philosophy by studying it from its traditional practitioners, in the ancient Chinese language. It started him on his honest search for authentic religion, which finally took him to a Russian Orthodox Cathedral.
Fr. Seraphim Rose deserves more attention.

>> No.14473629 [View]
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Dear anon,
I was told you're getting into Guenon. It so happens that René Guénon was the chief influence in the formation of my own intellectual outlook. I read and studied with eagriness all his books that I could get hold of ... It was Rene Guenon who taught me to seek and love the Truth above all else, and to be unsatisfied with anything else; this is what finally brought me to the Orthodox Church. Perhaps a word of my experience will be of help for you to know. For years in my studies I was satisfied with being «above all traditions» but somehow faithful to them ... When I visited an Orthodax Church, it was only in order to view another «tradition» ... However, when I entered an Orthodox Church for the first time, something happened to me that I had not experienced in any Buddhist or other Eastern temple; something in my heart said that this was «home», that all my search was over ... I began to attend Orthodox services more frequently, gradually learning the language and customs, but still keeping all my basic Guénonian ideas about all the authentic spiritual traditions. With my exposure to Orthodoxy and to Orthodox people, however, a new idea began to enter my awareness: that truth was not just an abstract idea sought and known by the mind, but was something personal – even a Person – sought and loved by the heart. And that is how I met Christ.
«Eastern wisdom» is not for us who are flesh and blood of the West ... But it also happens that Orthodoxy is not merely a «tradition» like any other, a «handing down» of spiritual wisdom from the past; it is God’s Truth here and now – it gives us immediate contact with God such as no other tradition can do. There are many truths in the other traditions, both those handed down from a past when men were closer to God, and those discovered by gifted men in the reaches of the mind; but the full Truth is only in Christianity God’s revelation of Himself to mankind ... Hindu tradition teaches many true things about the end of the Kali Yuga; but one who merely knows these truths in the mind will he helpless to resist the temptations of those times, and many who recognize the Antichrist (Chakravarti) when he comes will nonetheless worship him – only the power of Christ given to the heart will have strength to resist him.

well, anon, when will you finally convert unto Christ?

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