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>> No.21336317 [View]
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>I have become more convinced than ever that civil conflict, open war, will happen in the United States.

I feel the exact opposite. In the past this level of polarization may have resulted in some form of organized conflict, but today the polarization is largely caused by technology, primarily social media, that also creates a kind of cognitive segregation, the "bubbles" you hear cultural critics talk about so much.
I suspect that we are entering a kind of technologically mediated cultural dyad that tends toward homeostasis.

Big data and modern techniques in mass management are getting far too nuanced at gaming the human brain on both individual and collective levels for the citizenry to pose much of a threat to their rulers. I would say that this extends to incorporating moments of civil unrest that ultimately function in securing long-term stability in exchange for short cathartic bursts of civil turbulence that never really achieve what the participants hope for. That is if the participants are even aware of their actions beyond basic tribal loyalty.

More so, I think people are fed an image of what a world of total control looks like, by Hollywood, that is fundamentally misleading. That being a kind of Pseudo-Fascist totalitarian world of uniform non-individuality. This is useful because it helps to obfuscate the reality of the present, that being the instrumentalization of disorder, a mastery of chaos, by those with the most power. It is when chaos becomes not something you fear, but simply another piece on the board, that you have achieved true control. Meanwhile the masses, via the media they consume, are fed platitudes about power, the mangers, the rulers, the elite, fearing disorder, unrest, and chaos.

America's future is probably a thousand BLM riots, a thousand Wacos followed by a thousand school shootings, and a thousand Jan 6's. None of them mattering, and only strengthening what they struggle against.

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