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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.22453192 [View]
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See, if you had actually read and understood the Traditionalist School, you would know that Primordial Tradition is a spiritual reality that can take many forms. So I do not want to "return" to any "tradition". I want to live by Tradition, the universal centre. If the issue was returning to a simple historical form, I don't need to "return". I am already there, since I am a Neoplatonist. If you don't know what that is, it's kind of like the Advaita Vedanta of your Brahmin overlords.
Feudalism was great, by the way. It was a time made by and for men of character, unafraid of death, sacrifice and heroism. Values that are utterly languishing today, which world society tries to replace with simple consumer products.

>> No.22146884 [View]
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>not wanting desires is a desire
right, you are supposed to get over that and become a coomalayan master who combines being horny with being an ascetic in order to realize buddhahood

>> No.22106149 [View]
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I didn't know about these. That's pretty funny. Context on Jerome?
>children will lie if they aren't taught to tell the truth
Children will lie if you're a tyrannical retard who incentivises deception as a self-defence strategy to avoid abuse. In most cases where children do evil things, it is as a result of adults deforming their character.
I will concede that some extremely evil children exist, but that's not the universal nature of all children - only some, just like with the rest of human beings.
And thank god.

>> No.22076056 [View]
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Must develop your coompassion for sentient beings. Start with the 'Jeets, not Schopenhauer

>> No.20583288 [View]
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>> No.20500702 [View]
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I think it's Kannon, so Japanese gender-swapped Avalokitesvara, bodhisattva of coompassion, which is one of the six perfections/paramitas.
You must be *this* Japanese to ride the attraction.

>> No.20084368 [View]
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>because they expect to be rewarded after they die
Coompassion is supposed to develop an attitude precisely against this—one acts in benefit of others to cultivate a sense of selflessness. Having eradicated this, one progresses in wisdom. According to the literature at least

>> No.20064256 [View]
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Sounds like you are either being edgy or "depressed."

>> No.19924302 [View]
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>seething hyperprotestant with no coompassion

>> No.19780550 [View]
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Read the Bodhisattvabhūmi. Cultivate coompassion. Endure in samsara for the benefit of sentient beings

>> No.19769190 [View]
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I still have coompassion for you anon, even if you are a hyper-protestant

>> No.19532269 [View]
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You should only jerk off if you have coompassion for literally every last mote of sentience in all the cosmos.

>> No.19454106 [View]
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he must enjoy it

>> No.19375350 [View]
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>utterly bereft of passion, love and the things that make living in this world worth doing
Completely wrong. Welcome to Samsara I love you

>> No.19152883 [View]
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>he's not having fun
sorry, sounds like you've mixed up Buddhists with the Ajivikas

>> No.18752488 [View]
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>there's a single consciousness (the universe) experiencing itself through a myriad forms- meaning that everyone and everything around you is also you- so you do your best to help humanity because its the same thing as helping yourself
That's one way of putting it but if you think in terms of Mahayana and the bodhisattva stages, compassion for others is considered the first since a sense of compassion also cultivates selflessness/egolessness. So there it's less a case of helping someone who was you all along and more of a means of getting rid of attachment to a you in the first place.

>> No.18732512 [View]
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Buddhist philosophers used to write entire treatises and then go uh no that wasn't me it was Maitreya. Just so, bodhishitposters say Anonymous authored their posts.

>> No.18663124 [View]
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>up there in the coomalayas
Top kek

>> No.18327557 [DELETED]  [View]
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Is Hinduism incorporating the Buddha as an important figure a mega cope similar to Islam incorporating Jesus?
>hurr durr I can't argue with their message so I'll just claim it backs up my own

>> No.18309831 [View]
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Vedanta as presented by guenonfag is a performative moralizing designed to grant him the appearance of authority over people he deems nihilists, materialists, or "Buddhists," by claiming access to a higher immortal Self which is equivalent with God. Because the nihilists, materialists, and "Buddhists" do not have this access to a based and redpilled state of permanent beyondness with theological characteristics, they are presented as weak crippled inverts. Of course, it is the claim of access to an eternal Being beyond reality which weakens, cripples, and inverts reality, particularly the reality of guenonfag, which is populated by Buddhists who cannot be evicted due to restrictions put in place by guenonfag's seething. They appear to live rent-free in their mastery, being wholly unperturbed. This is entirely unacceptable to the priestly mannerism, which requires there be an inaccessible and beyondified God-Self, in order to operate.

>> No.17755403 [View]
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You don't even understand what soofering is.

>> No.17657614 [View]
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Since /lit/ doesn't actually read, the consensus here on Buddhism is a game of telephone about whether something is life denying or cringe or appropriate to the "western" person.

>> No.17397048 [View]
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No more gaslighting by priestly authorities trying to spook away your substance is a pretty good deal, and it goes well with based and vajra-pilled Buddhism.

>> No.16159303 [View]
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>suffering for other people means being enlightened
Not really. The whole bodhisattva ideal is that one, rather than entering into nirvana without remainder, chooses to be reborn in order to liberate others from cyclical suffering. And this is precisely Buddhism, because had no one done this the dharma would not have been taught to us, it would merely be something discovered by chance and unsustainable. Abrahamists believe something very different, that they escape the realm of humanity through a pact with a god whom they must shower with praise and offerings.

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