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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.19101848 [View]
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Tripel der Wahrheit.

>> No.19004095 [View]
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The choice to use, of all verbs, "tell" is telling, as it fails to encompass the rarity and thus immediately attention-grabbing nature of the imperative in the original ἔννεπε, from ἐνέπω (even the most thorough of dictionaries provides relatively few attestations, see: Pind. N. 3, 72, Aesch. Ch. 543, Hes. O. 192; Soph. Ai. 751). Livius Andronicus was certainly aware of this as shown by his equally strange and attention grabbing "insece", from "insecere". The task of the translator is the reformation of the imagined effects of the original for the audience to which they intend to speak, and, si mihi fas est plane et aperte dicere, to the extent that her audience almost certainly lacks the grade of education necessary to comment upon and criticise the quality of her work, she is vindicated. Taken under the microscope of those who possess the requisite grade discipline and feeling for language, however, it shows itself a failure already in the first word of the opening incantation. Shame.
>t. studied philology at a German uni

>> No.18965597 [View]
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http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/collection?collection=Perseus%3Acorpus%3Aperseus%2Cauthor%2CCicero All his works are available on Perseus, many with an English translation. You can also click on each word in the Latin text and it is parsed for you, i.e. you are shown the gender, number, case etc. Start with Pro Archia poeta, as it's relatively shorter than the rest and not as complex as his earlier orations, which are logically more inclined to the ornate, Asianic style of his youth. Bona fortuna tibi esto! >>18965544 In German academia, I can attest that Latin prose exercises are still required, two levels for the bachelor degree, one more for the master. You have the option to write your thesis in Latin, if you wish. Anglo "academia" is predictably garbage

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