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>> No.14699330 [View]
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>Please actually cite for me some FRED charts for America, cover the whole 2010s, and pinpoint when the transition from stagnation occurred.
Depends what exactly you want to see. GDP can be easily manipulated, if we talk about industrial growth you can see it stagnates and now starts to peak again with Trump (not entirely thanks to him, it's just that he applied a tax reform at the right time and investment made the whole thing boom). Exports can also be seen as stale throughout Obama's government and start rapidly growing under Trump, then again, if you want to balance that with imports you may say that the US imports far more than what they export (some see that as a bad thing, others as a good thing, there's really no consensus on it.)
>Wouldn't you call Macri administration neoliberal?
No, I don't believe the term neoliberal even exists. It's mostly a boogeyman or a buzzword that's meaningless since liberalism never re-invented itself. Macri was a keynessian with aspirations to be an Obama in a destroyed economy but forgetting the fact that Argentina is not the biggest economy in the world.
>They bet on foreign investment which never materialized.
High taxes, ridiculous labour laws and extorsion didn't help either.
Why would you need to borrow American dollars to pay for doctors or teachers? Show me how those dollars went towards welfare programs please.
The website is shit and doesn't allow me to link anything useful here, but pic related is their public spending and see how much it grew in the last 4 years. Argentina has been using debt to pay budget deficit, and lately they used most to pay their interests (which it didn't cover, so they had to print) and then pay more social welfare. There's more here (if you understand spanish): https://www.telam.com.ar/notas/201910/404427-gobierno-nacional-presupuesto-2019.html
They didn't, they were playing a stupid old fucking game of conducting relations in a foreign currency when totally unnecessary. They issued bonds denominated in dollars when they didn't have to.
That's true, no one can deny that, but they never once decided to decrease public spending, specially considering that their currency is weak and volatile to the hyperinflation. Then again, they decided to use public spending as a short-term solution than to cut it as a long-term more viable solution.

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