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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.16429343 [View]
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Because they're too smug without being anime girls.
And because blind denial of God is midwit behavior. If you were a tiny bit smarter, you'd realize that either 1) religion/spirituality* has a necessary role, or it wouldn't have stuck around for so long, all around the world, or 2) it's a little bit suspicious that humans have been able to make sense of the universe, as if not everything happened by random chance, but there seems to be some kind of rational pattern behind things.

(* I'm assuming the average atheist doesn't just deny the existence of God, but also of any kind of metaphysics, and tends to be purely materialist. It's not just "God doesn't exist", but also things like "the soul doesn't exist", "just like a CPU is an 'intelligent' rock, a human is an 'intelligent' bundle of cells", etc...)

>> No.16340760 [View]
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I agree with >>16340444, do start with books you already know, or find both versions in Italian and English/your native language. Read the version in a language you know first to enjoy/understand it, then read it in Italian to analyze it. Once you're more familiar with the Italian version, try translating it yourself, and notice the adaptations that had to be made, and the subtleties that got lost in translation. If this thread is still up tomorrow and you're still interested, I may post my crappy translation of The Veldt by Ray Bradbury.

For a list of classics, both Italian and Foreign, Wikipedia has a list: https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letteratura_per_ragazzi#Autori_e_opere

I think some good starting points for Italian authors could be Rodari (weird/surreal fantasy stories), Salgari (adventure novels), Calvino (Marcovaldo, but I remember reading "Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno" and "Il visconte dimezzato" for school). In the unlikely case some books aren't available in Italian on Z-Lib, try liberliber.it (note, it only has public domain books. The landing page is them begging for money, click "entra" in the top right corner to get past the panhandling).

Also, what languages do you already know? I can't imagine anyone learning Italian if they don't already know a related language...

>> No.16316802 [View]
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Mock the filename all you want, doesn't change the fact that Reddit has shit taste in everything, including porn. Maybe Reddit's culture of being a hugbox leads to a true democracy, where even mediocre posts are showered with praise, and any negative comment is downvoted to the point it gets hidden, whereas 4chan's culture of autistic elitism leads to a true aristocracy, such that plebeians who'd post nothing of value or are just looking for internet points leave, and anonymity means people can give their unfiltered feedback, and in turn both help with increasing the average quality of content. Of course, the downside of 4chan's lax rules is that you get swamped with "sissy hypno threads" and other retarded shit, but you can filter that junk out.

>> No.16130126 [View]
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>I just finished the first chapter and it is great.
So were the first few chapters of Dracula, but the quality dropped off very quickly. Never judge a book by the intro.

>> No.15671526 [View]
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Nice sperg out. But I bet you'd sperg out even harder when your phone/computer breaks and you realize you're unable to fix it, and you serve technology, instead of the other way around.

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