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>> No.18257337 [View]
File: 41 KB, 630x1200, F6CF6751-2FA6-4BFC-98B5-6F80252FEDA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towering over them all is the judge and he is naked dancing, his small feet lively and quick and now in doubletime and bowing to the ladies, huge and pale and hairless, like an enormous infant. He never sleeps, he says. He says he’ll never die. He bows to the fiddlers and sashays backwards and throws back his head and laughs deep in his throat and he is a great favorite, the judge. He wafts his hat and the lunar dome of his skull passes palely under the lamps and he swings about and takes possession of one of the fiddles and he pirouettes and makes a pass, two passes, dancing and fiddling at once. His feet are light and nimble. He never sleeps. He says that he will never die. He dances in light and in shadow and he is a great favorite. He never sleeps, the judge. He is dancing, dancing. He says that he will never die.

>> No.16382850 [View]
File: 41 KB, 630x1200, Judge Holden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been unsettled whilst reading a book, spooked sometimes, most definitely. But I have never read a book, of a character in his very self,
that I have felt that genuine, animalistic, primal fear ever before. That kind of fear you thought only made in the time of stone tools that cavemen felt when chased by some great tiger or wolf or mammoth; and perhaps never again.

But no, and it is the great and pale and hairless devil that is Judge Fucking Holden that reawakened that sleeping runner called Fear within me to beyond depths of rationale forgotten in pursuits to survival where only one ultimate truth be laid bare in perfect execution. War is God.

>> No.16269443 [View]
File: 41 KB, 630x1200, 1596649364480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Famous pisces writers?

>> No.16126659 [View]
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>> No.16000924 [View]
File: 41 KB, 630x1200, Judge Holden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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