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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.14698851 [View]
File: 121 KB, 580x840, Hipster-llama-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are going about this (predictably) all wrong.
You do not judge someone's work by just how people have read or pretend to have read it. You also do not put said work into neat little boxes based on the same metric.
What you actually do, and please pay attention, is judge the work based on it's content. And going by the content of Gibson's few last novels (like The Blue Ant series) he writes the definition of hipster sci-fi. Inoffensive, kinda bland but well written stories about hipster marketing experts (one allergic to brands like Tommy Hilfiger, like some uber-hipster) chasing down the origins of a series of pretty hipster movie segments, all paid by a shady marketing mogul who plans to monetize said hipster cred of said movie segments. I mean come on.
And now you have a novel involving an alternate timeline in which Hillary won.
Dare I say - yikes.

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