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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.22716056 [View]
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Happy 1700000000 /lit/

>> No.22521867 [View]
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Go thank him /lit/

>> No.12862140 [View]
File: 101 KB, 421x539, 4hege.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you take from the Master and Slave part of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit?


>> No.11166399 [View]
File: 101 KB, 421x539, Hegel1994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you going to read this summer in order to understand Hegel better? He is the most influential philosopher of all time and not enough people here have read him.

Phenomenology of Spirit

>> No.9002257 [View]
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Close, but no cigar. If you're still thinking in oppositions, you have not yet achieved a hyperreal sense of self. You will only make artificiality into a new truth. What we must get to is the complete automation of the death-in-life, if we aim to stop the dialectal wheel. Once we do this, there will be no Secret and no Revelation, there will be no God to find or kill, no thing that can be had or lost, no authority that can be defied or served.

"Only when you are free from what every man and woman has thought and felt before you will you become an individual. Such an individual will not go around attempting to destroy everything that belongs to society. He is not in conflict with society at all. He would never tear down the temples and institutions or burn books that men have made with great care. He would not be a rebel. All the accumulated knowledge, experience, and suffering of mankind is inside of you. You must build a huge bonfire within you. Then you will become an individual. There is no other way. Society is built on a foundation of conflict, and *you are society*. Therefore you *must* always be in conflict with society. The real individual, one who is free of the accumulated tradition and knowledge of mankind, is necessarily a threat to that society. Society, of which you are a part, cannot be other than it is. So stop trying to save it or change it. You cannot even change your mother-in-law."

>> No.8158912 [View]
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I´m getting an MA in English because I was interested in Continental Philosophy. Most programs in the USA are analytic. It´s been pretty interesting. If I don´t just get some real world job after I finish, I´ll probably go get a PhD in Comp lit. It´s been alright so far.

>> No.8037393 [View]
File: 101 KB, 421x539, 1458788963499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not liking vaporwave sincerely.
Brah, end-of-the-century aesthetics are way too iconic to just be let to rot. Plus vaporwave actually has tons of interesting ramifications, such as the sterility of perfection, simulation, separation, fakeness vs. originality, cross cultural contact and otherness, and, let's never forget, Memes--memes are actually a truly interesting concept which receives a ton of needless stigma from way-too-serious folks.

>> No.7996101 [View]
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So what's the deal with microdosing? Why do people do that? What is it like? I heard it's almost like some sort of amphetamine focus without the jitters. Is that accurate?

>> No.7880579 [View]
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>> No.7845046 [View]
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Would Hegel have agreed with the

That is, since spirit is always testing it against itself doesn't that mean that the further we are in time the more rational we are supposed to be in a way?

>> No.7803334 [View]
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You really have never heard of this guy before?
Go back to Plebbit.

>> No.7281653 [View]
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Currently reading Hegel for one philosophy class, and Adorno for another. They complement each other pretty well I guess. In the works of both I find myself stumbling over a few terms and concepts though, namely:
- the dialectic
- negation/negativity
- 'mediation'
The second two tie in with the first, which is the one I have the biggest problem with. Especially in the case of Adorno, he makes reference to the dialectic/dialectics, or uses 'dialectical' as an adjective a lot. I have a basic understanding of dialectics, but in the context that Adorno uses it in, I feel like my understanding is not enough. Then, I'll go back to Hegel to look for help, but he just makes shit more complicated. How can I understand the dialectic in its entirety, so I can in turn understand just what the fuck Adorno is talking about half the time?

>> No.7257467 [View]
File: 101 KB, 421x539, hegel_kun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This Swabian alchemist wrote a book containing ABSOLUTE KNOWLEDGE and YOU aren't even attending his LECTURES!

>> No.6642783 [View]
File: 101 KB, 421x539, hegel_kun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like Hegel?

>> No.6612738 [View]
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you should have given her the G, nigga

>> No.6542087 [View]
File: 101 KB, 421x539, hegel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a kid in my hitchcock class rambles on for 5 minutes about how the professor should have included a tw for a rape scene

>> No.6532192 [View]
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I just enjoy the aesthetic tbh.

>> No.6443444 [View]
File: 101 KB, 421x539, Hegel_Kun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phenomenology of Spirit.

>> No.6399245 [View]
File: 101 KB, 421x539, hegel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is post-structuralism?

>> No.6374540 [View]
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cool story breh

>> No.6367716 [View]
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That's the beauty of it. Imagine the muzak in those elevators.

>> No.6358801 [View]
File: 101 KB, 421x539, hegel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright /lit/, so I'm currently attending an elite liberal arts school right now, trying to make it as a writer but so far it doesn't look hopeful, and as far as I can see I have two choices in life: go into business or go into law. Now, I don't really care about money. My family has a lot of money and I've pretty much despised every rich person I've ever met. The problem is my father wants me to work so there's no way he'll pay for me to fuck around and do nothing. What I'm looking for is a job where I can pretty much sit around and do nothing and make at least 50k a year. My dad is well connected so I can get a good job in business and my gpa is good enough to get into law school so I don't have to worry too much. I know there are people here who come from similar backgrounds/have similar goals in life, so I have a couple questions.
What are some interesting types of law that won't make me want to kill myself?
What is the easiest type of law?
Is being a judge an easier job?
What is the easiest way to make money if you already have money?
How do I get away with doing nothing with my life except reading and fucking around?

>> No.6341641 [View]
File: 101 KB, 421x539, 1424816656664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itt describe the aesthetics of the now

>> No.6293300 [View]
File: 101 KB, 421x539, vaporgeist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It actually stimulates the economy.

Let's say a man makes 10k a month and has to give none of it away. he will spend a part of it and put the rest in the bank.

Now imagine that man making 10k a month and having to give a third of it away. He will spend part of what remains and put a smaller amount in the bank.

The part that he gave away is distributed among NEETs. They don't have a lot of money, so virtually all of it will be spent instead of saved.

This way, a lot more money will be put directly back into the economy rather than sitting around in a stale puddle of greed. And that's not even mentioning how the existence of welfare and autismbux employs a lot of people.

NEETs buy food and other necessities as well as entertainment. NEETs go to doctors. They go to the dentist. If you ask a dentist if he rather has one rich customer or a rich one and three poor ones he chooses the latter. Rich people can only consume so much. Most of the elementary things they don't consume any more of than a poor person. They just stack money. Meanwhile, sharing his money with NEETs will create jobs and let society prosper.

NEETs are good for the economy.

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