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>> No.19353760 [View]
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How many words is that? Looks pretty big.

>> No.10698529 [View]
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>China is actually just accelerationist guys!

>> No.10585359 [View]
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>More thoughtful and less thot-fooled

>> No.10324423 [View]
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>> No.9004977 [View]
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hah he wrote the buggo man

>> No.8680758 [View]
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>I can't control my thoughts
What kinda Buddhism is you reading boy?


Why would a Buddhist kill himself?

This dude knows whats up.

>> No.8573208 [View]
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>decently well-read, my greatest accomplishment it crime and punishment

>> No.8173479 [View]
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D+G didn't exploit or make light of schizophrenia or advocate it as a "lifestyle" as people who haven't read them think; they took it seriously as a part of mental and political life. And Deleuze said that when he was at Guattari's weird anarchist commune where any ordinary person would feel uncomfortable.

>> No.8148932 [View]
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>Or will my story get rejected because it's basically hate speech against jews?

>> No.8105456 [View]
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You opened my eyes

>> No.7390335 [View]
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>> No.7134621 [View]
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I just did. U daffy?

>> No.7046475 [View]
File: 2.00 MB, 300x300, da_fifa_playa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So let's get this straight. You're complaining because you can't illegally download books anymore (p.s. you still can), and you purposely waste your money and gas to buy physical books from physical stores because you "refuse to suckle at amazons tit".

Why? What value are these choices bringing to you?

>> No.7011578 [View]
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>not being an egoistical hedonist
it's like you don't want to be happy

>> No.6502184 [View]
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>> No.6452134 [View]
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>Not immediately picking up another book

>> No.6263896 [View]
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ITT Pleb stories:

>Writing essay on Macbeth
>Tell housemates I wanted to write about psychoanalysis
>One of the questions is on 'desire and duty'
>Explain how well 'desire' fits ID and 'duty' fits superego
>Housemate chimes in with Macbeth is about 'honour and valour'
>he thinks Shakespeare plays are about one thing
>Look at him confused and just say "What?"
>He goes on to say "Yeah it's about restoring the honour of having your father killed."
>mfw he confused Macbeth with Hamlet whilst trying to sound smart saying something irrelevant to my essay

>> No.6212030 [View]
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>lifting for women

>that image

>> No.6195969 [View]
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>His life is real. There is nothing fake about Luke Glanton.
anon, we need to talk

>> No.5887393 [View]
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So which side of the argument was declaring ad hominem again?

You've said nothing at all in this post. The least you could have done is explain why there is some objective universal reason to care about one thing rather than the other without appealing to another construct like scientific theories. Didn't do that I see.

>assuming I'm a woman
Hold up man lemme whip out my psychology books that'll tell me ----why--- you're acting this way won't it :)))))

>> No.5825873 [View]
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>actively trying to label yourself
>not creating your own school of philosophy and living by it


>> No.5770805 [View]
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>> No.5766125 [View]
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>Critical introduction
>First sentence name drops Hegel

>> No.5653816 [View]
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>Disregarding aesthetics
>implying how a book is perceived is only based on it being read.
>The road being assigned in a class.
>2 0 1 4

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