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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23795704 [View]
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>be Suldrun, princess of Lyonesse
>everyone hates you for not being a boy
>everyone wants to rape you. priests, tutors, dukes, prepubescent boys. everyone.
>imprisoned in an outdoor garden for defying your father's order to marry a rapist spawn of the devil
>but ho! a prince has come to save you
>it all blows up in your face and the prince is presumed killed
>try to hide your resulting pregnancy
>rapist priest rats you out, you try to get the baby to safety
>your only loving figure, an old wet nurse, is tortured nearly to death to reveal location of baby
>you ack yourself on a garden tree because holy shit your life sucks
>but ho! the prince lives! you plead to him from beyond the grave to rescue your baby
>it all blows up in your face and your baby is captured a 2nd time by a fae who was cursed to be raped repeatedly and hates the spawn of her violation and swaps her baby for yours

Jack Vance what the hell are you cooking here

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