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>> No.12017086 [View]
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>fuck yeah

ah boys. you did it again. you fucking closed another Cosmotech Loop, you mad, glorious, mystical, accelerating bastards. The Strange Fate of Cosmotech #3 excepted, this is the tenth time we've gone to the bump limit. what in the name of Sam Elliott is happening here? what does it mean?

well, we have a built-in feature in Cosmotech. here's what it means, the Cosmogonic Eros:

>the breeze of spring storms, in the light of a star-studded heaven, in a hailstone shower, on a flaming mountain ridge, in the raging surf, in the lightning flash of “first love”, but not least in the embrace of fate that smites its carrier.

shyeah boi. i'll take it. sign me the fuck up today! *Love* is a motherfucker. Love is the motherfucker's motherfucker. Cosmotech #9 had a pretty good completion of the System, i dare say that Cosmotech #10 has more than passed the test, taking that positive karma and put it precisely where it belongs, that is, the ever-lovin' Universe. esoteric metaphysics, Tantric Buddhism and Cthonic Gnosis is absolutely fine by me for the big 300. let's fucking go. this is how you complete a System of German Idealism (again)!

i'll take a double-dose of that in fact before i slide all the way into this crevice opened up by NyxLandUnlife in the universe. it had to happen, it all has to happen. everything has to slide now. nobody knows how dark things have to be or get before there's any turnaround. they're looking pretty dark right now, but none of it lasts forever. maybe the world must be bathed in slime. it sucks but waddaya gonna do. what would Toshiro Mifune do?

>But there is really nothing, nothing we can do
>Love must be forgotten. life can always start up anew
>The models will have children, we'll get a divorce,
>We'll find some more models, everything must run its course

last time we had our celebration party hosted by Kim Jong-Il, which is admittedly hard to top. nobody throws a party like the DPRK. hard to top that one. MGMT will do for now.

MGMT: Time to Pretend

ah, but the question -

can we do it *again?*
can we go another round?
is it - is it possible?
*can it be done?*
>no way girardfag no way
>fuck you inner self. i believe we can complete The System of German Idealism for an eleventh time. i think we should go for it
>that's crazy girardfag. it can't be done. you can't be serious
>i am serious inner self. i think we should do it again. i think we have to do it again. i think we should go for it. i think we should go for Cosmotech #11
>but girardfag. what happens if we open a Cosmotech Loop and we fail to complete the System of German Idealism? then what happens? what if we burn out?
>then inner self we will probably play vidya and waste our lives like we usually do
>oh right. yeah

please stand by for Cosmotech #11. we're going there. we're doing this

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