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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.6659294 [View]
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Mah nigga

>> No.6512038 [View]
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What the fuck are you guys talking about?

You do know a vast majority of people under stand that time isn't real, and life doesn't matter. So they should be self centered and egotistical? Granted most don't do it as well cause they are concerned with spooks, but there are more ways to move past that than books.

Stop putting your new age hippie bullshit as an overlay to living life. You're just putting more spooks into your life.

>> No.6506695 [View]
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>> No.6319048 [View]
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So here's the deal, I have gf who will do what ever I say, but she is very much the head in the clouds type, and incredibly stubborn. With abit of mental fucked up to boot.

I'm operating under the assumptions that since books changed me and my world view, then if you throw enough of the right books at someone it'll change them too.

The first step I want to take is to have he be more ambitious. What books should I get her to read? (currently she wants to be an anime artists, despite drawing mediocrity and she's smart, she could be a scientist or some shit, but she's just wasting her life.)

What to have her read to make her more objective? (not ayn rand, I'm thinking stirner, but it might be abit over her head.)

What to have her read to make her more mature?

>> No.6242402 [View]
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This exchange really proves that revolutions and Gommunism is tacitly statist.

>> No.6196840 [View]
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The only 'philosophers' I've read are Stirner and Camus.

they give me a complete understanding of the universe that answers all the existential questions I care about.
I don't see why i should read anything else, It'd just be adding in stuff that doesn't need to be added, causing some kind of existential crisis, and why? Just so /lit/ won't call me a pleb? IRL I'm a breath of fresh air from the "unintelligent cattle" to any 'intelligent' person and to the sheople I'm just a chill ass guy who doesn't who drinks, smokes, and reads alot.

>> No.6192482 [View]
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Only if it benefits me or makes me feel good about myself.

>> No.6101193 [View]
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How to acquire power?

>> No.5819631 [View]
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Because stirner is obligatory no matter what

Yea he should be mentioned in the sticky

>> No.5719693 [View]
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So thoughts on different types of egoism and objectivity?

I'm doing a paper comparing people like Stirner and Ayn Rand's "Everything needs to become mine." Type philosophies. With people Like Nietzsche who are pretty objective, but not egoist. They believe more in fathering society then acquiring wealth.

Was just wondering thoughts?

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