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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23463644 [View]
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>reading books by talentless jewish scammers
have some standards or some self-respect

>> No.23357725 [View]
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>Lord of the Rings had a very medieval sense of magic systems: wizard was magical, the magic would happen.
>Tolkien doesn't ask the question: Where was Gandalf's magic system? Did he have rules and metrics?
He gives me the impression that he has a very superficial understanding of Magic in Tolkien's work; Gandalf's magic is very coherent with himself; he mainly displays powers of telekinesis/telepathy, fire manipulation, or light and temperature more broadly speaking. Gandalf, and the other Wizards in the Middle-Earth don't just "do whatever" and is justified because "it's magic" Tolkien didn't write like that, there's a reason why people are sometimes left with the impression that Gandalf doesn't really do much magic stuff for a Wizard and it's because his powers are rather minimal. There's also the use of the words of command, the world sort of wraps around what the wizards say because they have some authority over it but I think they can't overrid the words of command of being higher on their chain, Tolkien's magic isn't random at all and has particular strict rules, what this guy calls a "hard magic system."

>> No.23159036 [View]
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Okay now I'm convinced this shit was always a movie franchise and that the book thing was some publicity stunt that went too far.

>> No.23084071 [View]
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>the science says
How do you gullible retards find this place?

>> No.22450843 [View]
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>that Poe story about a monkey that killed 2 women

>> No.22248274 [View]
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>I Have No Mouth is an allegory for the Holocaust
Get over it already

>> No.22239815 [View]
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>read a book

>> No.21737708 [View]
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>who was appointed his authority through divine means by Abhinavagupta himself

>> No.21373149 [View]
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>Evangelizes Dominant male behavior
>Let me tell you why doing what you want to whoever you want for any reason you want is feminine behavior

>> No.20957981 [View]
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>> No.20927632 [View]
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Right, that's why they're called theories. They're not meant to be perfect and infallible

You have to hold an interpretation to study it or make any valuable developments

>> No.20906977 [View]
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No offense, but how old is the average poster in this thread?

>> No.20902368 [View]
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NDEs don't mean anything objectively. It's just a flood of chemicals and hyper-connectivity in the brain, evolution's way of saying "oh shit" trying to slam the brakes.

Doesn't say anything about consciousness objectively. NDE patients also experienced different hallucinations depending on their cultural background, thus they saw whatever gods were meaningful to them

>> No.20896525 [View]
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Your memory is your knowledge, dipshit. Let's see how smart you are once you grow old with Dementia/Alzheimers

>> No.20895975 [View]
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>t. Doesn't understand Kafka or Shakespeare

>> No.20891795 [View]
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Love and hatred of what?


>> No.20787465 [View]
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>be me after work yesterday
>went for a walk in late evening while listening to Moldbug on a podcast
>couldn't be bothered going to gym
>slept earlier than usual
>woke up
>listened to Richard Spencer on Twitter, drank coffee
>went to work, worked
>came back, bought binge food on way home
>guilt free sunny evening binge while browsing internet
>will go for walk right now
>will go to gym later

Work, binge, sleep, repeat.

That's life. First you're young and all the ennui feels glorious and like sugary mint ice cream melting in your mouth. Then you're old and past it and disgusting.

You're either a normie that effortlessly fits in everywhere or you're not.

Either you're ugly or you're not.

Maybe tomorrow will be different...

>> No.20772124 [View]
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>be me on Sunday evening
>have a big fat fast food binge followed by chocolate and ice cream at home
>feel so disgustingly fat
>that's it, the last binge ever, time to lose over 15 kg
>I'll start this newfound commitment by not eating until Tuesday
>I'll also start doing productive stuff in my free time; had an epiphany about this on Saturday night but it wore off by Sunday early afternoon but now it's not an epiphany, just a commitment
>skip gym
>wake up slightly too early but nvm, I can go through the day slightly tired
>start work
>first few hours of work are the highest pressure parts of this week but it all goes well
>kind of zoned out during latter half of day
>get more work near end of day but finish at 5 on the dot anyway
>feel like I want nothing more than a big fat junk food binge
>I'll go to the supermarket and buy meat to cook and eat; that will fill me up and get rid of the cravings
>go to store
>buy junk food and meat
>eat the junk food at home and have some meat, which is ok, but I can tell that after tomorrow at work I won't be craving this
>now feeling low energy
>will go for a walk while listening to a podcast and then gym and then sleep
>I'll go to work tomorrow thinking "this is the fattest my coworkers will ever see me, it's all uphill from here"

I guess that's life. 5 minutes ago I was in my early 20s. Now I'm in my early 30s. Youth gone.

I'm so ugly. I'm so beta. I have no hobbies. I haven't even read fiction or played vidya or watched a movie or TV show episode for a long time (the latter two for months and years) for a long time.

I really do nothing with my life. Ugly then. Ugly now. A slug in society.

I've never done anything non-trivial, apart from some fairly creative shitposts. Everything I do is a linear combination of everything else.

Let's pick a memory to feel nostalgia over: I remember that hot summer of 2016 where I had much less responsibility than a full time job but I brutally wasted my free time. That entire year was a void.

I remember the summer of 2027 when Wimbledon was on TV and Federer was winning effortlessly and I'd go and drink Starbucks coffee every weekday evening outside in busy places (mostly with close to nothing in the bank).

My youth was pathetic but the memories are still tinged with gold. Now I'm a slug-like figure.

>> No.20769612 [View]
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>> No.20699504 [View]
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So how exactly do you "show not tell" in first person?

>> No.20693706 [View]
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>be me
>finished work on Friday evening
>went for short walk
>watched conservative debate while binging on junk food
>wasted rest of evening
>slept after listening to late night Twitter spaces by cool internet racists
>woke up on Saturday morning
>the internet racists were talking again
>drank coffee while browsing internet for a short time
>went for a lmao8mile walk while listening to Richard Spencer's recorded space (he's totally a Fed shill but it's a comfy listen)
>walked to new places, next to nature; will be a memory
>*weekend peaked at this point*
>wasted 5 hours or so on internet
>binged on junk food
>went to gym and started new gym routine; lifting went well
>wasted time on internet
>went for a late fast food binge
>woke up on Sunday morning
>read a little bit, slept for another hour
>browsed internet, went for relatively short walk (less than 2 hours) while listening to podcasts
>binged on junk food, wasted time online
>watched even more pointless conservative debate
>went to gym
>work starts again tomorrow

I'm hoping that was the last binge ever but I'm not even promising it anymore. I wonder what this heat would be like if I didn't have this layer of blubber.

The drop off between Saturday evening and Sunday morning is stark.

>> No.20692207 [View]
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>> No.20692148 [View]
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>> No.20658076 [View]
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>be me
>finish working on Friday late afternoon
>waste time online
>went for a very short walk
>binged on a shitload of fast food and some junk food
>feel so disgustingly fat
>realised recently I need to lose 20 kg (not fatter than usual, just realising what weight I need to be)
>tell myself I won't eat until 7 pm on Sunday
>waste rest of evening
>wake up at 1 pm on Saturday
>waste time online, read book, waste time online, go to gym
>lifting heavy weights goes well
>waste rest of evening (may have gone for a short walk, can't remember)
>wake up at 10 am on Sunday
>read a chapter of a book
>drink coffee
>go for walk in hot sun
>walk isn't very long; buy junk food on way home
>binge on junk food at around 2 pm (after 41 hours of no eating)
>watch tennis
>waste time online
>will go for walk, then gym, then read, then sleep

I am fucking dreading some social events at work in the upcoming week. I'm such an ugly beta, it's unreal.

Listening to podcasts with silicon valley PhDs is depressing. I'm so retarded for not doing a computer science degree.

I live such a pointless life outside of work. And at work I worry that I'll never be promoted because in such an ugly beta.

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