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>> No.15636545 [View]
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>What do you think about George Steiner's "The Portage to San Cristobal of A.H."?

I can tell most people who mention George Steiner on 4chan are pseuds who have never read him because generally I see him brought up only in the context of claiming he's based for criticizing Jews. All of his criticisms of Jews are based on them buying into Enlightenment Western Philosophies like Nationalism, Ethnonationalism, and Identity Politics. Steiner makes it clear that he views Nazism to be the ultimate failure of the Enlightenment, and his critiques are largely based around how the world continued to go back to business as usual when he sees that the ideological underpinnings of the west have failed.

I liked The Portage a lot, and its deliberate that A.H. is never named. The two parts that stuck with me most were A.H.'s ramble and the intercom transmissions to the soldiers-- Steiner knew his Jewish Linguistic Metaphysics.
His writing is insanely dense to the point is clouds his ideas, but other recommended reading from him
-In Bluebeard's Castle
-Nostalgia for the Absolute (should be read by anyone who believes in Nationalism)
-The Poetry of Thought

Aryeh Kaplan, but Kabbalah learned outside the context of Jewish theology will be misunderstood and misrepresented. It's cool stuff but takes time and prior knowledge

A good religion can provide for secular members of its society as well as the religious. Kiruv seeks to make people religious, good Jewish education educates about Judaism. I hope some of the stuff I named here can guide you in the right direction

I haven't and he seems like brainlet tier anti-semitism. He's written a lot of books about us, rent free in his head considering its all made up
>jewish identity today is fundamentally dependent on the Torah and is the mosaic and abrahamic convenants are inseparable to jews today
Yes, and? If you're gonna criticize Judaism at least try using the blended slop inside your skull that was once your brain

>Opinion on Essenes, Nazarenes, and Ebionites? Do you think these "heresies" are closer to what Jesus REALLY preached?

I really like the Essenes, the Nazarenes are essentially Jewish monks, not familiar with the last one. As a teacher, I really like Jesus. Those ideologies weren't heresies, they were different ideologies, and Jesus pulled a lot from them, especially the essenes. The fiction I'm writing now has modern Essene Revivalism in it, I can post more if there's interest.

The best holocaust jokes I've ever heard were made on Holocaust Remembrance Day by my israeli coworkers. Sphardim and Mizrachim have no emotional connection to the holocaust but they don't deny it, so the jokes are very good

Honestly haven't read him, what do you recommend?

I did, went to one in the mountains near Afula if that means anything to you.

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