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>> No.21283611 [View]
File: 51 KB, 962x251, ling anderson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Plato’s Republic is absolutely the worst book I have ever read. I tried to hold my nose and keep reading just a bit more, but the nonsense is just too strong that I can no longer continue. Not to mention the severe censorship that Plato places on his perfect utopia—all performance art would be banned, all music other than the most harmonious would be banned, all poets who do not adhere to “improvement of soul” would be banned—the ruler can lie to the people, but the people must always be honest to the ruler; the law only applies to the people, but the ruler is above the law; and this is not all. In Plato’s perfect Republic, men and women will be assigned the same roles and in fact Socrates compares the differences between men and women as that between men with hair and men who are bald, and, in the words of Socrates, “If bald men can be cobblers, do we forbid hairy men to be cobblers, and conversely?”

>> No.17778025 [View]
File: 51 KB, 962x251, ling anderson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Plato’s Republic is absolutely the worst book I have ever read. I tried to hold my nose and keep reading just a bit more, but the nonsense is just too strong that I can no longer continue. Not to mention the severe censorship that Plato places on his perfect utopia—all performance art would be banned, all music other than the most harmonious would be banned, all poets who do not adhere to “improvement of soul” would be banned—the ruler can lie to the people, but the people must always be honest to the ruler; the law only applies to the people, but the ruler is above the law; and this is not all. In Plato’s perfect Republic, men and women will be assigned the same roles and in fact Socrates compares the differences between men and women as that between men with hair and men who are bald, and, in the words of Socrates, “If bald men can be cobblers, do we forbid hairy men to be cobblers, and conversely?”

>Come to think of it, is there a single state in the world today where a sort of Communal dictatorship such as Plato’s is practiced, where men and women are treated as equals, in fact both men and women are trained as soldiers, and where all harmful movies, dramas, and subversive poetry and even subversive music is banned? The Islamic Caliphate? No, because Muslims wouldn’t allow women to be soldiers, right? Ah, yes, North Korea.

>Communist dictatorship.

>Communist dictatorship is Plato’s perfect Republic. Kim Jong-un is Plato’s perfect philosopher-king.

>> No.17770252 [View]
File: 51 KB, 962x251, ling anderson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Plato’s Republic is absolutely the worst book I have ever read. I tried to hold my nose and keep reading just a bit more, but the nonsense is just too strong that I can no longer continue. Not to mention the severe censorship that Plato places on his perfect utopia—all performance art would be banned, all music other than the most harmonious would be banned, all poets who do not adhere to “improvement of soul” would be banned—the ruler can lie to the people, but the people must always be honest to the ruler; the law only applies to the people, but the ruler is above the law; and this is not all. In Plato’s perfect Republic, men and women will be assigned the same roles and in fact Socrates compares the differences between men and women as that between men with hair and men who are bald, and, in the words of Socrates, “If bald men can be cobblers, do we forbid hairy men to be cobblers, and conversely?”

>Come to think of it, is there a single state in the world today where a sort of Communal dictatorship such as Plato’s is practiced, where men and women are treated as equals, in fact both men and women are trained as soldiers, and where all harmful movies, dramas, and subversive poetry and even subversive music is banned? The Islamic Caliphate? No, because Muslims wouldn’t allow women to be soldiers, right? Ah, yes, North Korea.

>Communist dictatorship.

>Communist dictatorship is Plato’s perfect Republic. Kim Jong-un is Plato’s perfect philosopher-king.

>> No.17708132 [View]
File: 51 KB, 962x251, ling anderson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>If anyone is still living under the illusion that women in our society live their lives as victims, then to me he’s just a faggot. To be a woman in our human society, in any time of history, is always much much easier than to be a man. Now you might say, what about during times of war, maybe even during times of mass rape, well, even in the hardest of times, you almost never hear about the tribulations of men. Men are being tortured, killed, most gruesomely, in the most horrendous fashion, and no one bats an eye. It’s supposed to happen to men. But the rape of a single woman becomes the world news and poets will dedicate eulogies to her and nations will wage war over her. Hundred thousands of death of men is only equivalent to the name of one woman. That’s the degree of privilege that woman has.

>The wisest men know what monsters women turn men into. The wisest men, since the times of antiquity, have warned descendants of the evils of women. This is why the Japanese still treat their women as demons who must be put in bondage or in chains or in cages. And this is why Nietzsche himself had so much respect for the Middle Easterners who keep their women under tight control, and this is also why those Middle Easterners are winning in the war against Christendom.

>Any society who unleashes the demon that is woman will be doomed to fail and collapse.

>You do not hate woman yet? Wait til woman destroys the civilization you built.

>The nature of woman is thus, that she will always seek out the stronger, and more aggressive males, and in our modern society, that always means the more barbaric and brutal males. That is why white females have such a preference for black men and Muslim men. and that is also why Asian females have a preference for white men. In fact, many Asian women are also now dating black men. Those of you white supremacists who really believed that Asian women are better than white women are in for a rude awakening. Asian women are actually the biggest race traitors. Something like over 80% of Asian women in America are sexually active with men outside of their own race. Their STD rates is 4 times than Asian men. This is well researched study done by an Asian woman married to a white man and it’s published by a major university, Boston University, I believe.

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