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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.9464489 [View]
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>you are, and forever will be, a plebeian, my petit bourgeouis.

>> No.9272931 [View]
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>You're only going because your father is a dentist!
>My dad is a pilot, and I go because I sell petunias
>Same difference!

>> No.9266958 [View]
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You do understand that a parliamentary monarchy is still a monarchy, right?
You also know enough history to know that absolute monarchies are very rare, right?
I mean - I wouldn't want to think you have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.9146479 [View]
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She didn't have one.
Sure, she *claimed* to, but where did she ever formally present her actual philosophy?
>Protip: a stilted, boring 90 page speech by a fictional character != an explication of a formal philosophy
When her followers tried to formally present her philosophy after her death they found they really couldn't do a very good job of it because it begs the question, lives on tautologies, and pretended that the Is/Ought Gap didn't exist *real hard*.
She wrote lame-ass science fiction that was popular because rape scenes and semi-literate buffoons confuse the meanderings of fictional characters for profundity.
tl;dr - there is no philosophy.

>> No.9069878 [View]
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Chomsky isn't an intellectual - he's a college professor running a long con morons fell for.
That's all.

>> No.8926432 [View]
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>72 days
>run by a council
>strong censorship
>Priests were executed for being priests
>People were in danger of arrest for being religious
>Accusation of opposition was grounds for arrest and imprisonment and use as hostages
>Established a Committee on Public Safety that arrested and imprisoned people for saying bad things about the Commune, used them as hostages and executed many
>So busy putting their own people on trial to organize a coherent defense
Yeah, that was sure a successful anarchist commune, pal.

>> No.8533045 [View]
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>I don't know how any woman could stay at home and keep any self respect.
You're right; caring for and nurturing a family, giving them a warm, secure, comfortable home, a secure childhood, and a refuge is just, like, THE WORST, ya' know?!
And homeschooling them?! Such humiliation!
It would be far, far better to slap your children into a daycare where you pay strangers to make sure they don't starve and then move them to the school system where different strangers take over educating and raising them so the mother can work for OTHER strangers in a desperate attempt to earn enough money to pay for daycare and schools.
Laboring for strangers for a wage is MUCH less humiliating than caring for your own family.

>> No.7254252 [View]
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>Hear about Sam Harris
>Get a copy of Free Will
>Pedestrian writing, even for a PopSci book
>He claims Man has zero free will, that we can't even decide what we think
>Look up his other work
>He has a foundation that lobbies politicians
He's either a scam artist or a fucking moron

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