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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.17964020 [View]
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>> No.17948961 [View]
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>> No.17506949 [View]
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Like most memes they usually get their best content here. I read Call of the Arcade and it was surprisingly good.

>> No.17502708 [View]
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>> No.17493818 [View]
File: 1.68 MB, 753x1202, 215435594534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend you read the superior Chad of the Crocodile

>> No.17345486 [View]
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F. Gardner?

>> No.17313227 [View]
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I'm unironically giving Gardner's book a try. Call of the Crocodile in particular. It's pretty bad desu.

>> No.17312349 [View]
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I won't claim to know anything about the industry. What I do know is that whenever I've seen someone bemoan how they failed to get published or have a self-published book flop, and I've looked up their work to see its merit for myself, its been shit.
I do believe it's difficult to get published and that a lot of it is up to chance and what's in vogue at the time, but a lot of people who attempt to write are worse than they think. Look at F. Gardner who keeps shilling himself all day on /lit/. I downloaded his book and it was honestly trash.

>> No.17310881 [DELETED]  [View]
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That series is by a fraud and a miscreant. F. Gardner has stolen my life's work and peddles it as his own while I refine the true Horror's Call series manuscript.

>> No.17310635 [View]
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I implore you, /lit/, to listen to my story in its entirety before shrugging this off as another Gardner post.

The man parading himself as the titular, F. Gardner, is a fraud, a miscreant, and any other roguish epithet that could befit a man of such ill-repute. He is not the original thought-mind behind. What he has peddled to you all, like a snake oil salesman, is a fraudulent product. A Chinese counterfeit. He has advertised a sham on our dear board. MY rough drafts.

I am the real creator of the Horror's Call series: Chad Gardner.

You see, F. Gardner was an associate of mine. We graduated together as Chicago Film School Alumni in 2012 and have kept in sporadic touch throughout the decade. Recently, we had been shooting creative ideas back and forth and he relented that he had hit a sort of stint in his life. Film school had not gained him the necessary connections nor ability to pursue a career in screenwriting, and he feared that he would never have a chance to put his name out into the world.

I told him: "Worry do not. You and I, Gardners, are bred from patterned stock. Our skin, our blood, a tapestry woven. If I, Chad the Gardner create, then so too can the Frank. Come my brother and we will envision paradise, or envision hell, together."

And so I showed him my work. My magnum opus. The Horror's Call series.

Something changed in Frank that day. A darkness glazed his eyes and I knew in the back of my mind, even then, that I had lost my friend forever.

The next day, I logged on to rework my rough draft and found that all my files were gone and I found the Horror's Call series being advertised all around the world. My life's work, raw and unfinished as it was, marketed under another man's name. I had never experienced infidelity until now.

I take pride in my work. Love, affection, honor, all these qualities I pour into my writing. That is why my series has taken so long to come out. That is why I have a stolen rough draft wading through the market as I pour the finishing touches into Chad of the Crocodile. And I am heartbroken.

I hope that you believe my tale, but worry not, faith alone is not what I require. I shall leave you with evidence: a comparison of Chad and Frank's work, so you will see the difference between the two and decide for yourself.

Please, do not ask me to post my entire work. I can't risk my life's work to be stolen yet again. I think in just one comparison, you will see a marked difference.

This is not bait, this is not shitposting, nor shilling. As ludicrous as this tale is, it is true. Thank you for listening to my words /lit/.

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