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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23503745 [View]
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I have a bad cold and feel very sick. This shit always happen at the start of summer for me

>> No.23125657 [View]
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>in university
>trying to show off and namedrop some french guys
>"Michael Fookalt"
>"Albert Kamoos"
>get corrected immediately

>> No.20177824 [View]
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I wrote a poem in a Valentine's Day card to my girlfriend at uni. It was extremely cringeworthy since half of it was about how I'd been miserable with writer's block lately.

She's actually been published since.

>> No.17926977 [View]
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seeing fellow /fit/ browsers outside that sub is like running into cringy drunk countrymen when on holiday abroad

>> No.17503759 [View]
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>> No.17112246 [View]
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i forgot

>> No.17009281 [View]
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>Be on lithium
>have the choice of feeling terrible or feeling barely anything at all
feels indifferent man

>> No.16869691 [View]
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Am I the only one who used to autistically print pdfs of books from the school's library printer?

>> No.11560059 [View]
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>Tfw the king of the *Zulus* says that the South African government is anti-white but liberals in the country refuse to recognize their is a problem by plugging their ears and closing their eyes
>Meanwhile the Chinese do whatever the fuck they want and Parliament is like a reality TV show

Its so so bad

>> No.11557286 [View]
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Yeah I don't really see the issue here. This is what 90% of human communication looks like. You'll see these exact same kinds of people everywhere you go left or right

>> No.11557099 [View]
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Because some people on 4chan became Christian, why is it so difficult for internet athiests to imagine that people can leave the echo chamber?

>> No.11422725 [View]
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Soooo Zizek is as much of a meme as Jordan Peterson?

>Those bloody *insert people you don't like* I mean you just can't take them seriously lol

>> No.11417004 [View]
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>Blatant projection
>Dehumanizing the opposition based on accusations of psychological impotence
>Asshurt about Peterson, somehow think group together Mishima, Vikernes, Peterson, and *Ted fucking Kacynski* because they are all represent different shitposters you don't like
>arbitrarily amalgamate people who like them into a single monolithic boogeyman

Can people stop doing this?

>> No.11405498 [View]
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>alt-right fascist
Want to know how I know you don't know what fascism or the alt right even is?

>> No.11183622 [View]
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Guess I'm definitely fucked then. I was actually entertaining the idea that I was a decent writer. Maybe I'll take some time off or something. Probably best to let go of any dreams of publishing in the meantime.

>> No.11141737 [View]
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>tfw Porfiry comes over again to have a "casual conversation"

>> No.10753161 [View]
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>What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Not working, no responsibilities, just pursuing what I want when I want. Basically being independently wealthy.
>What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
Laziness and wasted potential.
>When and where were you happiest?
I don't remember ever being very happy. Possibly wandering the fields around my house as a kid but I would never go back to that time.
>What is your most marked characteristic?
Creativity, maybe. Possibly my looks.
>Who is your hero of fiction?
Don't really have one. Joyce is my literary role model tho.
>What is your greatest regret?
Majoring in STEM and only discovering my love for the arts in my mid-20s.

>> No.10644163 [View]
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The Grapes of Wrath

>> No.10631753 [View]
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What essays or works should I read to get a handle on postmodern and post-structuralist theory? I would like some good entry points.

>> No.10229070 [View]
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>Be browsing /lit/
>like the intellectual I am
>looking for advice on my next epic novel to read
>considering Moby Dick
>all in the meanwhile education plebs on Nietzsche
>Look up to tv to see what the esposa is watching
>Fuggin Harry Potter
>"wow anon, I remember these being great books"
>"You should read those!"

It's not fair bros. I don't know what to do. I'm seriously considering divorce but we just had a child and I don't want my son to go to prison when he gets older.

What do I do?

>> No.10226717 [View]
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>> No.10222748 [View]
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Is simplicity the end goal? Is complexity just a means to reach a simple end?

I was watching my 7 month old son a few moments ago. He was playing with a ball. As My wife would bounce it up and down, he would laugh hysterically. The sheer joy he had watching such a simple thing was a beautiful thing to see. But then I started to ponder on what's really going on inside my son's mind and body.

Millions of actions, millions of complex mechanisms keep his body alive and functioning. Trillions of information sent throughout his CNS, just to steer the body and help either create or hold (depending on your religious beliefs) his extremely complex consciousness. And all for what? A human mind/soul with, when boiled down, the most basic needs and wants.

Consider all of the toys, advancements, and marvels man builds...just to make his life simpler. We drive cars, that abuse many laws and complex functions, just to make are travels simpler. We use complex machines that run complex logic to help make our daily communication, work, and leisure a much more simplistic endeavor, just so we don't expound so much energy.

Why do so many of you read such complex, philosophical jargon, and ponder the complexities of life? Just to make things simpler for you and your peace of mind. In the end, it's about simplification. We take simple, singular concepts and wrest and twist them into plural complexities, just to look back around to simplicity.

This might be the most basic thing you've ever heard but it was amazing to behold, for a simple mind like mine.

Or maybe I'm just retarded. Am I retarded?

>> No.10219389 [View]
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there's no hope for this creature

>> No.10216170 [View]
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>Have an idea for a book
>desperately want to write
>finally started talking meds for ADHD
>finally have the motivation
>finally sit down to start writing

>Realise I have an extremely limited vocabulary and a very poor grasp of English and grammar becuase of shitty public school

What can I do to rectify this? Someone please help

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