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>> No.24100196 [View]
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The Wild Hunt is saddened to report that the entire property of the Theosophical Society in Altadena near Pasadena has been completely destroyed. We are still gathering information. The Pasadena location wass “the world’s largest archive of Theosophical materials, including a library with 40.000 titles, the entire archive of the history of the TS, including ca. 10.000 unpublished letters, pertaining to HPB, the Mahatmas, W.Q. Judge, G.R.S. Mead, Katherine Tingley, and G. de Purucker, membership records since 1875, art objects, and countless other irreplaceable materials. The archives also contained works of Boehme, Gichtel, donations from the king of Siam including rare Buddhist scriptures,

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