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>> No.9679991 [View]
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BM is one of the top three novels *all time* for me. McCarthy is god-tier. Enjoy the read.

The obscurity of Heidegger is way overrated. I'm with you, Hegel is much harder to read.

>Why do you actually take this stuff seriously?
Personality stuff I guess. Beyond a certain horizon I can't really give you a good answer. It just gets me in the stomach and makes me wig out. A deranged blog-containment device is my endgame.

>Also, I don't know why you would be into Land but then buy into post-structuralists and people like Derrida.
I started with Derrida, in a sense. Grew up in the shadow of a *very* smart Derrida guy. Been salty about it ever since. Might be an inferiority complex!

But Derrida was on to something, of course, with difference in a similar though not unrelated way to how Deleuze was. The thing for me was always the rejoinder to the postmodernists: what the fuck is difference grounded *in.* I was grinding my brain-teeth over this before Peterson appeared. Girard was the guy who widened the frame enough to *include* Derrida, which was something that I was very interested in doing, because Derrida...well, it's complicated.

Derrida is out to *defuse* the destructive power of the phallologos b/c he's dealing with the Holocaust, among other things. But I always had a sense - again, it's hard to separate idiosyncratic psychological quirks from actual philosophical insight - that this was going to fuck things up at the same time. Maybe if I had been exposed to a different scholar I would have thought these things differently.
>or if i wasn't a fucking retard recluse

>You do know that Land, even before he veered even further right, was very defiantly attacking and contradicting post-structuralism, right? That's one thing he DOES get right, and where he was a little ahead of the curve.
Maybe post the text, see if other anons are interested in this. I'm not sure which one you mean.

I'll put it this way: Landian nightmare-visions are a super-harsh rejoinder to being triggered about Derrida and why hermeneutics matters. Because fantasies, desires and dreams run the world, and beyond a certain horizon they cannot be deconstructed without losing your goddamn mind. How Culture parses memes in a consumer society is part of what it means to live in the 21C. With all that entails. The Spice Must Flow. And nobody can really say why other than that it makes people happy. I'm already rambling here though.

Long story short: both Land and Derrida are correct. And part of yet larger systems. Memes > difference.

Checks out.

>I think the central force of Capital as a parasite is advertisement, this tool is what makes the host be unaware of what it is doing.
The Frankfurt School did nothing* wrong. But in the 21C we can't all live like Golden Age Americans. And that the Golden Age only seems more Golden the further it drifts. This will have consequences.

*not nothing

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