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>> No.14304813 [View]
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>Yikes. Have you read book 8?
I think this illustrates my point perfectly. How many pages did it take for you to get there, huh? How many pages does it take in general for ANYTHING to be enjoyable? Depending on what character you like, you might read this entire fucking series and not get a satisfying resolution. I do not find that GOOD WRITING. Especially when the story moves at a fucking snail's pace. You can literally cut out entire chunks of this story and nothing of value would be lost, absolutely fucking nothing, and all the edgy characters are so cringe I don't know how it's even POSSIBLE to defend them as a grown man.
>Well, I did at least.
Then I'm glad you admit you like it for completely fucking arbitrary reasons.
>yes, i expect an author to treat me like a retard and write about different character despite leaving the previous ones we wasted nearly a thousand pages on unused and suspended
Amazing, bro, truly amazing. Tell me more about this amazing writing technique where your character growth is irrelevant and the reader is forced to wade through rivers of shit in order to get to the few bits that are worthwhile in order to get to the end of a branching story. The goblinoid take, to be expected of a Malazan retard.
>But I am not some 85 IQ mutt
Nigger, Malazan is predominantly beloved by mutts. What the fuck does this comment even mean? It's not even translated in my country past the first two books because nobody gave a shit about it, lol. Just what the fuck?
>Maybe you need a 110+ IQ to follow a dozen characters stories in your brain?
You can have as many characters as you want, you dense fuck. ASoIaF has hundreds of characters. But for the first three books, it does a pretty good job of keeping focus on the important ones and not switching all over the place. It does not fucking abandon characters for no reason in order to start a new plotline despite finishing the old ones unfinished. Like do you actually think that having thousands of pages of filler with boring characters like WoT and Malazan that do jack shit to move the plot forwards is 120 IQ storytelling? Actual retard.
>"Austrian dude gets shot, everybody dies"
>"A God gets pulled to the earth, everybody dies, even the dead"
Not even close, but nice try. Though this does remind me and all the lurkers of how fucking pointless the Chained God was. Yet again, another reminder of why Erikson's story is shit.
>I do not think you made any particularly compelling point.
I already made all my compelling points in my first post, ape. This was to point out how fucking retarded you are and how nonsensical your defense was.
>trying to crystalize out weak points
Already in my first post. Piss poor plotting and worldbuilding, boring characters replacing important ones frequently, filler subplots meant to expand the """world""", snail pace, quippy Marvel humor.
Don't reply to me ever again, faggot.

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