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>> No.22313425 [View]
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>Russia invaded a sovereign country with its own culture and identity and they’re getting embarrassed throwing men into the meat grinder.
Russia is in a quagmire and they (I'm talking about the people at the top) know it, they can't win on the original terms of overthrowing the Ukrainian government, but now that they're committed, they don't want to lose in such a way that the whole house collapses in on them at home. On a kind of similar note, there's a fallacy of people assuming that there is, like, any degree of inherent inertia at all in war. Look at the first few months, and if you assumed it would just go according to plan, man, no, wars never work that way. Sometimes the same advantages working in your favor now will still be in place six months from now, but that can't ever be banked upon.

>Basically revolutionary defeatism for rightists.
You know, it's interesting to read what Lenin wrote about that, because he didn't actually tell his Russian comrades to root for Germany to win. It's true in some narrow sense that one side is going to win and another side is going to lose in a war. But uhh... both Russia and Germany kinda lost that war? Russia collapsed first, then Germany. But he was a revolutionary and he wanted the whole European continent to have a revolution, and it was the respective governments at the time who were saying "if we win, they lose / if they win, we lose." But Lenin said: who's "we?" Your war is with all of *them*, not each other. It's weird for me to say this because I'm not a rightist, but the NJP types who are saying "no more brother wars" have a sharper or at least more radical political position than the pro-Russia rightists or anyone cheering on a particular government.

>Its basically if i cant win, then let it die
Well you're embracing nihilism. But if you do, I would just be creative with it. You can't just oppose progress, you also have to oppose tradition and basically everything that has ever existed, or will ever exist. "We unequivocally reject the idea of moving forward into a 21st century bright with promise. We're opposed to all fresh, new ideas and technologies that will transform the lives of Americans. Nor do we believe in America turning back to traditions and values and God, all of which we oppose. What are we, chumps? God presents the biggest threat to the homeland. Remember the Flood? We support a pre-emptive nuclear strike on Heaven. We are also unalterably opposed to a woman's right to choose anything at all. Indeed, we abominate life in all its repulsive forms. Children are not our future. The Nihilist Party will put people last, because people are stupid. Our slogan is: nothing works. It really does. Life is an infestation, choice an illusion. My fellow Americans: let's rush into the abyss together."

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