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>> No.11867549 [View]
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'tis only schizoposting mi amigo. there's always more
>for better or for worse


and so for land capitalism is the only real revolution, and in the age of the internet it becomes wedded to technoscience. this robotification, this automation of the world extends to and includes your brain as well. your psyche - your libido, your attention, your affections, your habits, your sympathies - all of this is what well and truly drives the mechanism of production. we are becoming technologized; maybe this was always the idea, in a way. maybe we always were technological beings. stiegler certainly thinks so, anyways: that a memory is a thought projected into the future, stored on a disc, writing itself as technology’s way of borrowing the organic to transform the inorganic into itself.

what does this do for ‘culture jamming?’ ‘culture jamming’ is one of these notions that seems somewhat antiquated in the present world, when capital appropriates all of this for itself. culture becomes culture jamming, culture jamming becomes culture. but all this does is increasingly wire us in for technology and consumption: wealth and the spell of the alien power hegel mentions. land preaches a kind of fidelity to this code of technics and production, even though it may well be an ultimately impossible mission. the whole idea of teleoplectic hyperstition is that you can’t see the future coming until it’s already too late, and so you wind up dwelling in a rapt paranoia indistinguishable from an absolute fealty to the void. but perhaps hegel had similar intimations: the owl of minerva &c.

if there is a point worth thinking about here it’s that singapore, ever the privileged example, was also prudently administered into the first world by a stern old demi-confucian grandfather-figure and not a cabal of either marxist visionaries or randian objectivists. in china also you can see that the final horizon of marxism also as state doctrine is imperialism. with the revolution complete the chinese are trying to distance themselves from mao and are re-introducing confucius once again. or, across the pond, consider nobunaga, hideyoshi and ieyasu historically: all three of these guys represent formative stages in the political history of japan, and what follows from ieyasu is three centuries of relative peace and prosperity that only comes to an end once the americans and europeans begin forcing open the ports, and not because of a general uprising by the people.
>and then the meiji restoration.
>enjoy modernization and the industrial revolution, you’re welcome samuraibros

and who knows, we may be in for something similar ourselves, in a way, with the impetus to modernize coming from within the nature of the computer networks themselves. assuming, that is, that the world doesn’t do something less becoming and just descend into anarchic tribal warfare on either the wide scale or the narrow.

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