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>> No.6387306 [View]
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yes, I smoke cannabis daily, drink alcohol occasionally, almost always smoke cigarettes when I drink because they feel good together but otherwise I don't care for tobacco. I do LSD when I can find it (seems to average about once a year or less the last decade) I used to do psilocybin on an almost monthly basis but shit started to fuck with me and I eventually had the bad trip to end all bad trips and I couldn't sleep properly for 2 years and was starting to show signs of PTSD and schizophrenia (irrational paranoia about being followed, feeling like my body would merge with objects around me, depersonalization, hearing voices when it was quiet, etc), but they went away after a year or so. I have also tried (but don't do any regularly) MDMA, DMT, Salvia, codeine, tramadol, cocaine, crack cocaine, oxycodone, adderall, and extremely high doses of melatonin to induce weird dreams.

I like drugs but I would warn anyone who is interested in going down the rabbit hole to tread with extreme caution, do their research, and follow the basic rules of tripping (set and setting). There is no moral issue for me, I just flatly disagree that we need laws to protect people from themselves, there is a moral issue for me when it comes to encouraging reckless drug use.

I don't find that drugs help me write for the most part, but they do help me think of ideas that I can write about while sober. Alcohol helps a bit but only if I only have a couple drinks, any more than that and I can't focus.

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