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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23446315 [View]
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After 9 years of regularly posting here and reading hundreds of pages of difficult prose every week with no regard for my professional career or personal wellbeing i just realized i have nothing meaningful to say about any book whatsoever so i have decided to quit literature for good. Hopefully videogames and film are still within my reach.
Goodbye my friends. It is too late for me but maybe not for you.

>> No.22881524 [View]
File: 37 KB, 780x438, pepefroggie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like black metal

>> No.22687331 [View]
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>I'd like to see a character that actually has a hell of a lot of guilt they can't explain and trying to make up for the actions of a life they don't remember.
Would you like a story about a character that has a hell of a lot of guilt they can't explain and trying to make up for the actions of a life they remember very well but regret?

>> No.22680281 [View]
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>waste of Aryan spirit Sange

>> No.22619071 [View]
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When AI is capable to write big novels consistently, you know whats going to suddenly become a big thing? Handwritten books, words written on paper with pen by the author. That way people will know that AI didn’t write it.

>> No.22393623 [View]
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I'm turning into a pickle

>> No.22371940 [View]
File: 37 KB, 780x438, the classic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A book is just a collection of words. Every post in this thread is a book. I couldn't count them even if I wanted to.

>> No.22211698 [View]
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I know this is gonna sound extremely retarded and you're gonna tell to go back to whatever red board I crawled out of, but has anyone considered writing greentexts professionally?

>> No.21411977 [View]
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>The first chapter is the hardest chapter
>the average attention span of an american adult is 5 minutes, down 7 minutes from 2012
>readers demand: relatable characters, sel-aware writers that either avoid cliches or twist the plot
>There can be absolutely no trace of sexism. Your novel has to pass the Bechdel test.

>> No.20980683 [View]
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Have you ever bought books online from Wallmart? what was your experience like?

>> No.20933850 [View]
File: 37 KB, 780x438, poopie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are cheeks who'll never be clapped reading this very post.

>> No.20864314 [DELETED]  [View]
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I wrote a fantasy novel, what do I do with the manuscript?

>> No.20489323 [View]
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It's true that we're living in a post truth world. Zoomers lie constantly and with no shame. They don't even care if their lies even make sense. Back in 2015 people would be embarrassed to be caught lying outright on 4chan. Now they don't care at all. I have no hope for the future of society or discourse.

>> No.20458242 [View]
File: 37 KB, 780x438, 4ECADEED-34A4-4DA2-9BDA-AD20820EF3C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moby dick
>oh, it’s just a whale

>> No.20230486 [View]
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What a surprise

>> No.20139546 [View]
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>be libertarian
>talk about killing communists all day
>actually just let communists slowly erode all of your rights through gradualism while you argue with the rightist retards that you should be using as your attack dogs
many such cases

>> No.20073219 [View]
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The fact that orthodox (not Orthodox) Christians consider the Book of Enoch to be heresy or non-canon is legitimately preventing me from converting.

>> No.20059878 [View]
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I dont believe in God because I believe that we life in a gray world where black and white concepts good and evil as a whole is not possible. Good and evil only becomes relevant when it affects our personal interests, making us inherently selfish and making the idea of good and evil different for everyone. Is this immature or mature philosophical thought?

>> No.20044616 [View]
File: 38 KB, 780x438, pepefroggie (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favourite Latin phrase is I want to putum my cockus in her assus

>> No.19930854 [View]
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>editor's note
>opening quote

>> No.19736940 [View]
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I unironically make around 200k(lawfag) a year and still post frogs

>> No.19583502 [DELETED]  [View]
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Are there any books about bedding 50+ blonde white women with big breasts and hips?

The catch is it has to be autism friendly. I think i have some form of autism that makes it hard for me to approach women

>> No.19542527 [View]
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I have my own place, a good-paying job with a ton of money saved up, my own car, nice clothes, I'm /fit/ and white, I do fun things with my friends like ski and spearfish, I'm starting a STEM masters from an Ivy League school next year, and I'm a 25 yo virgin. I don't have any female friends, there are no girls my age at my job, and I don't know how to take pictures for Tinder. I know I'm not ugly because in high school and college I now know that there were a lot of girls into me but I lacked the confidence, social skill to pick up on it or act on it. I even had this confirmed by a cute girl I went on a date with last year that I knew from high school. Don't sit here and tell me "BRO JUST TAKE A SHOWER AND LIFT WEIGHTS IT'S EZ" because I'm fucking doing everything I know how to and I've never seen a vagina. I know first hand that having abs and being conventionally successful does not magically make women appear in your life so stop telling me to IMPROOV myself as if I'm not already doing that.

>> No.19523727 [View]
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Interpellation is a process, a process in which we encounter our culture's values and internalize them. Interpellation expresses the idea that an idea is not simply yours alone (such as “I like blue, I always have”) but rather an idea that has been presented to you for you to accept.

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