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>> No.10451858 [View]
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Well the simplest examples are the ones I gave, autoimmune disease and cancer. Life is a series of internal relations being maintained. When one or several of them no longer maintain the internal status that allow life to go on, when they act like external relations and block previous internal ones (in this sense for Spinoza these diseases I mentioned are hardly different from an "external" sword cutting off a head: an internal relation is severed), life starts to lack what Bergson calls the indivisible (that which can be divided, but not without losing it's fundamental properties).

>> No.8947099 [View]
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As useful as I find these explanations in Lacanian terms, I'm not sure that D&G would agree that their work is one of binary oppositions or infinite regression. In the first case, Deleuze always insisted on asymmetrical dualities that lead to new processes, new developments. In the second case, both tendencies are present in Deleuze: behind every mask there's another mask (infinite regress) and some fundamental differences that are indivisible.

I do think that D&G and Lacan have some common goals in mind. Lacan's formula "never give way on your desire" goes well with schizoanalysis' attempts at unblocking situations and making sure that desire flows without hardening (heh).

>> No.8128754 [View]
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Oops, linked the wrong post. Have a bonus Lacan.

>> No.7460054 [View]
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Everyone's favorite charlacan.

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