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>> No.1292919 [View]
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So what happens is you get the person's contact details whether it be e-mail msn or aim and you are quite simply a normal individual desiring a conversation but what inevitably arises out of all of this is that the person on the other end is quite often becoming of our stereotype; they are bitter, they have some sort of retarded axe to grind with some aspect of society or close-to-home internet culture, and talking to them is quite unbearable because of this delusion. Then there are the folks who are quite simply "shitty conversationalists", which can inevitably be translated to either 'shy', 'disinterested' or 'incompatible', and trying to strangle a convo out of them is often a process akin to tooth-pulling. Then there are the people who are quite as normal as you, and nothing is gained nor lost from your exchange with them. Every time the outcome is the same: dissatisfaction, emptiness; the sense that this is not fulfilling you in any way nor could it ever possibly do so. It is an overwhelmingly inauthentic means of communicating with other people. I always hear of exceptions but I never quite see the process of how people 'click' through this. Sage for /r9k/ shit.

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