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>> No.21058816 [View]
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Is pic related a good introduction to Buddhism?

>> No.20952614 [View]
File: 409 KB, 1399x2167, awakening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a NEET loser if I read this will I become ubermensch chad please respond

>> No.19927260 [View]
File: 409 KB, 1399x2167, 811PSjHkFWL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So now that the dust is settled, how right was he about early Buddhist doctrine?

>> No.18976891 [View]
File: 409 KB, 1399x2167, doctrine_of_awakening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get kiked by other posters, this one is really good intro.

>> No.18893673 [View]
File: 409 KB, 1399x2167, TDOA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good introduction to Buddhism? His Yoga of Power was the first book on Advaita I read and I think it stood very well on its own. I'm mostly interested in Tibetan Buddhism (especially after finishing TYOP) and know not where to start.

I was also nudged towards 'A Bull of Man' as an introduction. Thoughts?

>> No.18526471 [View]
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is this work actually respected by serious eastern Buddhists? I want to learn more about Buddhism and I'm already a reader of Evola so it seems like a good coincidence. Basically trying to learn how to meditate from someone other than a yoga soccermom or a McMindfulness Walmart executive

>> No.17575575 [View]
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It's just less coherent Stoicism without the heroic qualities.

>> No.17487518 [View]
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Is he right?
If so, why has Buddhism (as well as Hinduism, maybe to an even greater extent) been co-opted in the recent decades by individuals who understand nothing about it and think it's just a feel-good mindfulness movement that preaches equality and peace?

>> No.16812127 [View]
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>> No.16582391 [View]
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Butters, if you like Alan Watts I recommend you read this

>> No.16530073 [View]
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Is it worth it?

>> No.15191565 [View]
File: 409 KB, 1399x2167, doctrineofawakening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.15151545 [View]
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Is this basically self help for people who feel they are above self help?

>> No.14633893 [View]
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Should I read this first as a premise for Buddhist thought or do I need to know certain things about Buddhism to understand?

>> No.14324334 [View]
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Based and redpilled!

>> No.14252983 [View]
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>other people are enjoying the God-given gift of life, without adding or subtracting from its inherent worth
I agree 100% with this but you don't need YHVH or God how you spiritual Semites call him in order to achieve this.

>> No.13757150 [View]
File: 409 KB, 1399x2167, 811PSjHkFWL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get a decent introduction to Buddhism from the time of the Pali-canon.
Evola seems more like a historian than a philosopher to me: that's why I'm not sure if this one is reliable. Very knowledgable and inquisitive? Yes. Intellectual powerhouse? No.

Maybe an introduction is just a brainlet cope and I need to ge tinto the Nikayas right away?

>> No.13474157 [View]
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according to early Guenon Buddhism was a warrior caste (Kshatriya), for Evola it was legitimate, and i think Ananda Coomaraswamy convinced Guenon at some point that Buddhism was legitimate, though some people have criticized him for trying to make Buddhism just like Hinduism in disguise rejecting or adapting the seemingly incompatible elements

>Is the difference between Nirvana and Brahman or 'The One' merely shallow semantics
depends which elements of Buddhism you emphasize, you can argue that Buddhism has a different metaphysics, or you can argue that the Buddha emphasized the elements of practice and thought that lead to spiritual realization which at times means ignoring metaphysical explanations in favor of practices that lead to direct vision and realization, but the result may be the same

then again there are passages like this in Buddhist scripture
>There is, bhikkhus, a not-born, a not-brought-to-being, a not-made, a not-conditioned. If, bhikkhus, there were no not-born, not-brought-to-being, not-made, not-conditioned, no escape would be discerned from what is born, brought-to-being, made, conditioned. But since there is a not-born, a not-brought-to-being, a not-made, a not-conditioned, therefore an escape is discerned from what is born, brought-to-being, made, conditioned.
that i don't think can be easily hand-wave away

>> No.12299058 [View]
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One of the books Ive been reading over the holidays was Evolas Doctrine of Awakening. I`m familiar with work on Buddhism, I`ve done research in the past.

I was somewhat hesitant to too heavily invest in a particular Western outlook of ``Buddhism``, and really more interested in his outlook of what exactly was so ``Aryan`` about Buddhism and its relation to Westerners.

I was still quite frankly surprised it went over some fairly universally true and undeniable elements of ``Buddhism`` despite it being a ``Westerner`perspective``, but more interesting I thought, were the historical claims and elaboration of Aryan influence, race, and ideology, which in fact only ``developed`` into Asian religions like Buddhism

Any other Evola readers who want to post anything interesting or worthy of mention, feel free to add something. Im also reading his other works.

>> No.12099623 [View]
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>> No.11726955 [View]
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great and full of references to the actual original pali texts instead of to californian liberalism

>> No.10919384 [View]
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>In any case, by passing into the realm of the jhāna, as we shall now do, we find that ascetic realization removes those horizons that limit the Stoical doctrines as well as all "superman" theories. Let us briefly discuss this point. The limit of Stoical ascesis is apatheia, the destruction of any possibility of disturbance of the spirit through passions or outside contingencies. A well-known symbol is the rock that remains firm and still while stormy waves break against it. To this is added tranquility of mind based on consciousness of one's own rectitude and a certain amor fati, that is to say, a confidence in cosmic order. From this standpoint, the irrelevancy of all that is purely individual and terrestrial is considered and experienced. As for the doctrines of the "superman," they are based on the reinforcement of the vital energies and of the "I" such as will produce invincibility and superiority to all tragedy, to all misfortune, to all human weakness, a pure force that, though it may be bent, cannot he broken, a will to power that defies men and gods.
>In the sphere of the Buddhist jhāna, both of these forms of ascesis are surpassed since the human condition in general tends to disappear. Only if the discipline of the Ariya were to stop at sīla and samadhi could its achievements be likened to that of the most enlightened Stoicism. But Buddhism —like all initiations- has higher and freer realizations, and so, instead of the rock against which stormy waves uselessly break, the simile of air that one may try in vain to capture in a net or cut with a sword is far more appropriate. Imperturbability and calm fixedness (samatha) equivalent to the Stoical apatheia, along the path of awakening is, in fact, considered at a certain point as a bond from which one frees oneself in order to approach the domain of "nonexistence.' At the same time, the "sidereal" element here encourages such detachment as will induce Olympian quality in all higher states of consciousness and destroys in that detachment any residue of hybris, of pride or of will for power attached to the "person." To "life" —even at its summits— Buddhism opposes that which is "more than life." The term superman uttamapurisa-- -also figures in Buddhism as an epithet of the Ariya ascetics. But this ideal is here transfigured, it is carried effectively onto a supersensible plane in which the dark tragedy that is always hidden in the "titan" and the "superman" is completely resolved. We shall see almost at once that in order to achieve such an ideal a special enlightened use of sentiments such as love and compassion is even employed: a technique that carries us far beyond the plane of the contradictions against which fought without hope, for example, the soul of Nietzsche and Dostoyevsky. We mentioned this in dealing with the two ways of overcoming fear (cf. p. 116).

>> No.10644496 [View]
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>> No.10545669 [View]
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using Evola as a stepping stone to learn about any tradition is a pleasure, he has a lot of energy, adds tons of references to primary sources, stays close to the text and the structure of the traditions without dumbing them down too much or systematizing them too much so his books never read like manuals

he obviously has some biases for his racial and anti-moralistic stance, but that's easy to filter through and most of his racial stuff is not even as creepy as others and can be repurposed as "spiritual" races instead of nazi-style ethnic cleansing of anybody with less than 90% indoeuropean DNA

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