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>> No.23253235 [View]
File: 177 KB, 600x400, tower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22799012 [View]
File: 177 KB, 600x400, Tour_bollingen_CGJung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm attracted more to the freedom and stability that comes with success. If modern academia demands hyper-specialization and complete submission to the system and it's evolving technological demands, then what would "the greats" do? Jung and Schopenhauer would be wageslaves? Or self-improvement grifters? I'd rather commit suicide. I'd rather do crime.

>> No.21876963 [View]
File: 177 KB, 600x400, Tour_bollingen_CGJung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a beautiful home

>> No.21286787 [View]
File: 177 KB, 600x400, Tour_bollingen_CGJung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jung at his Bollingen Tower. I want to visit one day.

>> No.19313775 [View]
File: 177 KB, 600x400, Tour_bollingen_CGJung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In my retiring room I am by myself. I keep the key with me all the time; no one else is allowed in there except with my permission. In the course of the years I have done paintings on the walls, and so have expressed all those things which have carried me out of time into seclusion, out of the present into timelessness. Thus the second tower became for me a place of spiritual concentration. In 1935 the desire arose in me for a piece of fenced-in land, I needed a larger space that would stand open to the sky and to nature. And so- once again after an interval of four years I added a courtyard and a loggia by the lake, which formed a fourth element that was separated from the unitary threeness of the house. Thus a quaternity had arisen, four different parts of the building, and, moreover, in the course of twelve years.

>After my wife's death in 1955, I felt an inner obligation to become what I myself am. To put it in the language of the Bollingen house, I suddenly realized that the small central section which crouched so low, so hidden, was myself! I could no longer hide myself behind the maternal and the spiritual towers. So, in that same year, I added an upper story to this section, which represents myself, or my ego-personality. Earlier, I would not have been able to do this; I would have regarded it as presumptuous self-emphasis. Now it signified an extension of consciousness achieved in old age. With that the building was complete. I had started the first tower in 1923, two months after the death of my mother. These two dates are meaningful because the Tower, as we shall see, is connected with the dead.

>From the beginning I felt the Tower as in some way a place of maturation a maternal womb or a maternal figure in which I could become what I was, what I am and will be. It gave me a feeling as if I were being reborn in stone. It is thus a concretization of the individuation process, a memorial aere perennius. During the building work, of course, I never considered these matters. I built the house in sections, always following the concrete needs of the moment. It might also be said that I built it in a kind of dream. Only afterward did I see how all the parts fitted together and that a meaningful form had resulted: a symbol of psychic wholeness. At Bollingen I am in the midst of my true life, I am most deeply myself. Here I am, as it were, the age-old son of the mother. That is how alchemy puts it, very wisely, for the old man the ancient, whom I had already experienced as a child, is personality No. 2, who has always been and always will be. He exists outside time and is the son of the maternal unconscious. In my fantasies he took the form of Philemon, and he comes to life again at Bollingen.

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