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>> No.21226519 [View]
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Long time poster, first time visitor to /wg/.
I got an idea for a satyrical piece, any and all feedback is appreciated.
The first part would be
>I: The Internet Inferno and the Nine Rings of Cancelling
english terza rima that draws heavily from Dante, but no characters or story. lists the 9 rings/circles and their contents:
>1 Purgatory = The Account-less
those not on social media at all
>2 Lust = The Anonymous
those not brave enough to stand behind their work but too impulsive to keep themselves from voicing their opinions
>3 Gluttony = "Stan" Accounts
basically tripfags and their equivalents. twitter users that devote their time to dickriding people they don't know
>4 Greed = Corporate Accounts
where memes and internet subculture go to die. necessary evil of the meme cycle
the "NPCs" of the internet that have no original thoughts, are subject to groupthink, base their personality on their identity and take social media platforms far too seriously. They keep corporate accounts alive through their obsession with consumerism and commercialism. these posters attract trolls
>6 Heretics = Trolls
straightforward here. contrarians, "gamers" and shit-posters immigrating from another platform to harass, defame and ruin everything they visit
>7 Violence
posters which harm themselves and others. breaks into 3 levels: outer, conspiracist accounts, misinformation spreaders; middle, "netbangers" spamming the platform with petty beefs among others; inner, posters threatening to doxx, ddos and infringe upon others privacy and real life outside the platform
>8 Fraud
lots of layers, unsure of the best order: cryptoscammers and cons giving unsolicited advice to the poor and dumb; paid "journalists" that are the mouthpiece of tyranny and mindless consumption; influencers and promoters; politicians and corporations paying said journalists and influencers to enforce their agenda; panderers and sexual deviants like furries, weaboos and "artists" that commissioning lewd smut; catfishers, predators, pedos, etc; bigots, racists, "alt-right" hatespeech, non-conformists, etc.
>9 Treason
bot accounts, those that make bot accounts, janitors, mods, programmers that abandon or sell-out the platform (moot, zuck, ohanian) and those looking to acquire and exploit existing projects (musk, zuck, corporate entities)

lmk if you got any ideas

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