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>> No.18009291 [View]
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>if you seek women due to desire to be loved and to love and you're honest about it and you let yourself be vulnerable, you come off as needy and desperate
Your mistake is here, it's the opposite. If you hide your real needs from your potential romantic partner, you will seem deceptive and they will not trust you. You have a real problem if you don't really know/feel what your needs are because you never learned them. "Seeking approval without knowing why", that's what's meant by desperation and neediness, acting like want to be loved while having alexythymia about this desire will make you act incongruently and it can exude some really creepy vibes. If you have a bad case of this you can't just decide to "be honest about your need to be loved and you let yourself be vulnerable", because it's something you need to be emotionally tuned into and that takes something more than intellect.

Manson is actually pretty insightful here, he closely describes the personality consequences of childhood emotional neglect, together with being dissociated from your true identity. Get this book OP and see if this applies to you (there's a short test in the introduction). This might be just what you need to figure out what's wrong with you and how to fix it. If not, chances are that some anon will find it useful.

>inb4 food reviews

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