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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.21053327 [View]
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>why of course I read female authors. Flannery O'Connor, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Thérèse of Lisieux, St. Teresa of Ávila, St. Teresa of Calcutta, St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, St. Maria Faustina Kowalska, the list just goes on and on

>> No.21046973 [View]
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>The Emperor—so they say—has sent a message, directly from his death bed, to you alone, his pathetic subject, a tiny shadow which has taken refuge at the furthest distance from the imperial sun. He ordered the herald to kneel down beside his bed and whispered the message in his ear. He thought it was so important that he had the herald speak it back to him. He confirmed the accuracy of verbal message by nodding his head. And in front of the entire crowd of those witnessing his death—all the obstructing walls have been broken down, and all the great ones of his empire are standing in a circle on the broad and high soaring flights of stairs—in front of all of them he dispatched his herald. The messenger started off at once, a powerful, tireless man. Sticking one arm out and then another, he makes his way through the crowd. If he runs into resistance, he points to his breast where there is a sign of the sun. So he moves forwards easily, unlike anyone else. But the crowd is so huge; its dwelling places are infinite. If there were an open field, how he would fly along, and soon you would hear the marvellous pounding of his fist on your door. But instead of that, how futile are all his efforts. He is still forcing his way through the private rooms of the innermost palace. Never will he win his way through. And if he did manage that, nothing would have been achieved. He would have to fight his way down the steps, and, if he managed to do that, nothing would have been achieved. He would have to stride through the courtyards, and after the courtyards through the second palace encircling the first, and, then again, through stairs and courtyards, and then, once again, a palace, and so on for thousands of years. And if he finally burst through the outermost door—but that can never, never happen—the royal capital city, the centre of the world, is still there in front of him, piled high and full of sediment. No one pushes his way through here, certainly not someone with a message from a dead man. But you sit at your window and dream of that message when evening comes.

>> No.21042585 [View]
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>The Emperor—so they say—has sent a message, directly from his death bed, to you alone, his pathetic subject, a tiny shadow which has taken refuge at the furthest distance from the imperial sun. He ordered the herald to kneel down beside his bed and whispered the message in his ear. He thought it was so important that he had the herald speak it back to him. He confirmed the accuracy of verbal message by nodding his head. And in front of the entire crowd of those witnessing his death—all the obstructing walls have been broken down, and all the great ones of his empire are standing in a circle on the broad and high soaring flights of stairs—in front of all of them he dispatched his herald. The messenger started off at once, a powerful, tireless man. Sticking one arm out and then another, he makes his way through the crowd. If he runs into resistance, he points to his breast where there is a sign of the sun. So he moves forwards easily, unlike anyone else. But the crowd is so huge; its dwelling places are infinite. If there were an open field, how he would fly along, and soon you would hear the marvellous pounding of his fist on your door. But instead of that, how futile are all his efforts. He is still forcing his way through the private rooms of the innermost palace. Never will he win his way through. And if he did manage that, nothing would have been achieved. He would have to fight his way down the steps, and, if he managed to do that, nothing would have been achieved. He would have to stride through the courtyards, and after the courtyards through the second palace encircling the first, and, then again, through stairs and courtyards, and then, once again, a palace, and so on for thousands of years. And if he finally burst through the outermost door—but that can never, never happen—the royal capital city, the centre of the world, is still there in front of him, piled high and full of sediment. No one pushes his way through here, certainly not someone with a message from a dead man. But you sit at your window and dream of that message when evening comes.

>> No.20966534 [View]
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Is not Lucifer Jesus?

>> No.20020314 [View]
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The law matters, doesn't written law solve this issue?

>> No.19453488 [View]
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"Ahem, fuck niggers and fuck jannies"
*unzips and starts pissing into the crowd, gets one blue haired hermaphrodite right in the eye*
*turns 360 degrees as the last drops escape his prodigious member*
*a smile, a wink, and a wave before bolting out the back like the devil himself were giving case*

>> No.18894333 [View]
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Neitzche & western civilization is just too based. The christ cucks will be seething for the next 300 years. I wonder when the catholic church will make it's next concession to new scientific discovery.

>> No.17779844 [View]
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>tfw have a huge dick
>keeps me happy even though I'm though a 30 year old neet
>one day I will get to use it and if the eternal return is true I already have
see ya later virgins

>> No.15238395 [View]
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Tilting her head back
Made me realise that girls have
More than just three holes

>> No.12581620 [View]
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Gentlemen, it has become painfully obvious we have been raided by some type of tranny discord for the past few days. Their intentions are clear, one must only venture into one of their threads to discern their plan to subvert impressionable anons. It is your duty as a member of /lit/ to not allow these pestilent chimeras to manipulate those who are particularly more vulnerable among us.

They will lull you in with siren songs, on how life as a female is so much better. And that may as well be, I am not questioning that, but life as a man renounced of his biology is no such thing. Let's make it very clear here, it is a death cult, a death cult with an insatiable hunger for new members, for only these new acquisitions can justify the abhorrent life choices of those who are already a part of it. If there is a choice to be made, you have to choose life, anon.

>> No.12097661 [View]
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>mfw actually need glasses at night but don't wear them because I don't want to look like a genetically inferior nerd

>> No.11946275 [View]
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Fuck niggers and fuck jannies

>> No.11639604 [View]
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all of these apply to me

>> No.11343428 [View]
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>on the bus reading Sri Śaṅkarācārya's Brahma Sutra commentary
>I'm at the part right before Śaṅkarācārya' refutes Buddhism by noting that the doctrine of momentariness is nonsensical because its implication is that the antecedent thing would have to cease to exist at the next moment when the subsequent thing is created, meaning that it could not be the cause of the other, which goes against the principle that the cause is necessarily non-momentary by existing in a new form in the effect; and that the only way for the Buddhists to reconcile this would be to hold that existence proceeds out of non-existence which is impossible and itself would violate the Buddhist tenet that every effect has a cause
>slouch down my seat and yell, "YO, THIS NIGGA FINNA BOUTTA GET DABBED ON"
>my all-pervading self laughs
>a wave in the limitless ocean of myself looks at my jiva-atma and says "You aight, white boy"
>Hear "He cute" from another wave

>> No.11339270 [View]
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Got paid $40 to write some short erotic fiction.

>> No.11260173 [View]
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I'm currently reading this article below. JP is obviously a bullshit artist (he wraps up stuff I may agree with in bullshit) but so are 99 % of humanities "intellectuals". The writer compares Peterson to a Rorschach test. This easily describes so many so called great thinkers, like Nietzche


>> No.11250419 [View]
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Pls post the text

>> No.11245889 [View]
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Fuck the pseuds

> Jeering at status-conscious consumers, bandying about words like "ontological" and "nominalism," chantingRed Riverhokum as if it were from a lost book of the Old Testament: this is what passes for profundity in novels these days. Even the most obvious triteness is acceptable, provided it comes with a postmodern wink.

>> No.11233331 [DELETED]  [View]
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Why are humanities types disgusted and so afraid and hostile towards stem nerd types?

Part of it is that STEM people have taken the cultural intellectual crown. I mean genuine intellectualism. Einstein has become a symbol and even the dumbest person is aware of Newton. Software allows nerds to bypass businesspeople and become CEOs.

So this is the main reason.

Why am I, a non humanitiesfag, instinctively slightly annoyed by the presence of stem types? Because I know that their achievements are down to genuine high IQ, hard work, luck (you can't just have luck), and other positive qualities. This is a fault with me, of course, and represents jealousy, not that I dislike stem types or Zuckerberg types. I think they're great.

Just as people sometimes look at their unnatural 9-5 jobs and wish they could be hunter gatherers who barely work (even though I've read they worked alot, I'm talking about the idea), I think there's an analogous process in the intellectual sphere. People are lazy and jealous. They don't want to think that intellectual achievement today takes luck (both in execution and to have a high IQ) and hard work. They are jealous that Plato and Aristotle talked any old nonsense and became revered. So this drives the jealousy and hatred by Humanitiesfags towards STEM types and nerd millionaires.

>> No.11198987 [View]
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>Pynchon, DFW, McCarthy, Steinbeck, Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Faulkner, Twain, Orwell, Huxley, Bret Easton Ellis, Heinlein, Tolkien, GRR Martin, JK Rowling, James Ellroy, Shakespeare, Cervantes, Pushkin, Chekhov, Raymond Chandler, Nabokov, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Gaiman, Homer, Plato, Aristotle, Hume, Nietzche, Descartes, Chomsky, Zizek, Lacan, Derrida, Foucault, Jordan Peterson, Arthur C Clarke, Anthony Burgess, Rand, Hayek, Keynes, Adam Smith, Marx, Thoreau, Gaddis, Fukuyama, Proust, Houellebecq, Gibbon, Waugh, Wolfe, Roth, Dickens, Austen, Shelley, Conan Doyle, HG Wells, Lovecraft, Aquinas, Cicero, Seneca, Marcus Aurelius, Nassim Taleb, Sam Harris, Habermas, Sloterdijk, Winston Churchill, Stephen King, Faust, Marlowe, Schopenhauer, Fichte, Hegel, Sartre, Camus, Joyce, Beckett, Sylvia Plath, Kesey, Kerouac, Ishiguro, Wittgenstein, Russell, Zola, Celine, Dumas, Hugo, Lermontov, Le Carre, Ian Fleming, Conrad, Graves, John Green, Stephen Pinker, Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler, Engels, Murakami, Elliot, Pound, Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Niall Ferguson

Can we FINALY move past "14 year old male is new to reading and buys whatever shallow midwit nonsense that Amazon recommends him"core? It's ALL shit.

>> No.11192707 [View]
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I don't remember what its called but I saw an excerpt from some erotic book written by a nigress which was pure bibliotheka.

>> No.11178459 [DELETED]  [View]
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Why do you snarky leftist types hate Elon Musk so much? Why do you get so defensive and snarky and threatened by him?

Is it because he's not intelligent enough to write critiques of jelly babies and how they pertain to hegemonic global capital?


>> No.11148475 [DELETED]  [View]
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>REEE Science has assumptions behind it, it is part of philosophy!
>Ok Humanitiesfag, I agree. But in the absence of empirical verification or pure deduction, why should I care about your philosophical system over another one? Or even over a 5 year old's system?
>Sorry to have hurt your feelings Humanitiesfag, I am truly sorry. Let me ask you another question. Why do you use currently accepted science as a platform for your own unfalsifiable extrapolations while saying you don't accept the importance of scientific method and observation? You implicitly are, when you use the latest Physics results as a platform for your own musings, though if you want a lesson on Quantum Mechanics, I'd be happy to help. You clearly misuse it. Obviously you can be sceptical of the scientific method and observation, they can ultimately never be "proven to be the true reality" but they have given us results that accord with the standards of sensory data, which we humans find important in everyday life.

>> No.11142343 [View]
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>unironically reading and applying the lessons of classic self-help books

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