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>> No.12481208 [View]
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>What is lacking in this discussion, I believe, is information on life in other such economic systems, like agrarian societies.
i agree on this also. aforementioned Twitter Guy i like was saying that if there is a drawback to Deleuze's thought, it is a peculiar dislike for all things *arboreal.* i think i understand why, if you are looking for a commonality between lots of traditional autocracies, you can look at the idea of the Great Tree, the state as naturalized, organistic life forms, Roots and Branches and all of this. that's fine. but it's also sort of like throwing out the baby with the bathwater: after all, ecology doesn't necessarily have to turn into Third Reich fantasies.

>There is a quote, which I will try to dig up, of what a farmer said to a preacher when the preacher tried to give him his Last Rites. The farmer worked hard his whole life, always was thriftful, put his family first, etc. But when the preacher tried to exhort him into believing in God in order to avoid eternal damnation, what did the farmer say? That he did not believe in God, for he was eternally hell-bound, constantly breaking his back for marginal return. The point I am making here is that it is somewhat foolyhardy to assume that there is an option better for people to have those fundamental questions answered
no, i think i get it. it's not only like the Buddha saying, 'work out your own salvation with discipline,' it's also like 'also, leave others who are working out their own salvation with discipline the fuck alone.' makes sense to me anon.

thank you very kindly anon. honestly, it is in fact a thing i am genuinely happy to do, makes my whole day to talk with you guys and schizo-commiserate. mostly because i am no fucking stranger to hangovers and depression. Hangover Metaphysics is absolutely where we are at (and after ultra-fucking-schizo-turbocapitalism? why not). and it's not just you and me either, i think. there's pic rel/Burnout Man also. who is kind of a better look than Land, too, in some ways. with Land the Burnout never stops, that's how he works. you might enjoy him if you haven't checked him out yet.


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