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>> No.20605927 [View]
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>When it undermines your theology and suggests that it’s all relative, that it doesn’t matter then yes, it’s bad.
Never has the Catholic Church "undermined her own theology" or suggested that "all is relative". You have either been listening to SSPX retards or, more likely, Orthodox polemicists.
If you actually read Vatican II, you'll see that it does not shy away from claiming that the Catholic Church is the one true Church and holds the one true religion. The "ecumenist" passages merely state that other world religions hold a ray of truth in them as well, which is entirely true. Pic related for example. St. Paul does this as well when he claims that the pagans sacrificing to the "unknown God" were intuiting the true God.

>priest marriage
Priests in the Byzantine rite and in the Anglican Ordinariate can be married, but not in the Latin rite. There's absolutely nothing wrong with this, and I as a Latin rite Catholic would not mind if priestly celibacy were abolished entirely. This is a disciplinary matter, not a matter of dogma.

>unleavened bread
We still use exclusively unleavened bread in the Latin rite, so what do you mean? Do the Byzantine rite Catholics not use unleavened bread? Again, this is a minor disciplinary matter, so who cares? Focus on the important things.

The filioque was added into the Creed by Spanish bishops to combat Arianism. I don't think we ever pretended that it was in the original Nicene creed. By the way, at your Divine Liturgy you recite many things that were not in the original Nicene Creed of 325, because you presumably recite the later Niceno-Constantinople Creed which was updated in 381, and added much more than a "-que" on the end of a word.

All of your complaints are idiotic and nitpicky. You are a pharisee. You neglect the important things for little details and take a hardline stance on everything.

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