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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.20553877 [View]
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nice quote

>> No.16198581 [View]
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>If, however, I understand racism as a system into which I was socialized, I can receive feedback on my problematic racial patterns as a helpful way to support my learning and growth. One of the greatest social fears for a white person is being told that something that we have said or done is racially problematic. Yet when someone lets us know that we have just done such a thing, rather than respond with gratitude and relief (after all, now that we are informed, we won’t do it again), we often respond with anger and denial.

>> No.14289308 [View]
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>> No.13106853 [View]
File: 15 KB, 640x320, arne naess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear /lit/,

What is the relationship between Deep Ecology and Accelerationism?

Is it fundamentally the same? Or is it the case that where Deep Ecology is deep ecology, Accelerationism is Deep Industry, i.e. the inverse?

To me it seems that Deep Ecology is regulatory and eco-conservative, while Accelerationism professes an agenda of pushing the limits in order to create a new ecosystem, hence eco-liberal.




>> No.13032554 [View]
File: 15 KB, 640x320, nick-land.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to write a short story without going too deep. Just the plot, so an actual writer can do the heavy lifting. So I read about Campbell's Hero Journey, and that opened a big fucking can of worms.

If I understood correctly, Campbell found some general ideas across cultures and pointed them out, but then PBS released a documentary where Lucas said Campbell's HJ had influenced Star Wars and people went apeshit, generating derivative works.
Now, my questions:
1. Is it ok for a beginner to confine its creation to a "template" like the monomyth?
2. Which other "templates" exist? (e.g. Dan Harmon's Story Circle). Is there one that you would recommend?
3. Educate me. Which of my assumptions are wrong?

Pic unrelated. A /lit/br helped me out years ago, and in exchanged he asked me to shitpost nick land.

>> No.12593748 [View]
File: 15 KB, 640x320, nick-landweb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Psychanon, such a great thread. Definitely hard to come by these days when /lit/ is so often concerned with how to get pussy and how not to kill themselves (the two are often interlinked of course...)

Can I get your opinion on psychotherapy / psychotherapists ?? Because I'm in the process of doing pre-req courses to get into a program to become a psychotherapist (in Canada). I'd love to know what you think would make me a good one or if the field is worth going to ?

For my life info, heres the long story short:

Did philosophy and 'contemporary studies' undergrad, then did MA in philosophy (wrote it on Nick Land actually LOL) and then had a total break down over a number of issues, went to a psychotherapist dude who calmly saw right through my anger and bullshit and now I'm less likely to womanize to the point of exhaustion, do insane drugs in underground nightclubs in Kiev, and steal a shit load of books (mostly philosophy and literature ones though!)... Basically I have learnt how to empathize more and now understand that the world is full of broken people like me who need someone to talk to and who will actually listen more than anything. So I think Psychotherapy would be a good match considering I'm social, have a good grasp of the literature (I like Irvin Yalom the most so far) and I think human problems are very much existential, angst ridden, and overall meaning based - PLUS I've felt a lot of pain therefore I can relate to people in numerous ways (drugs, alcohol, sex, risk-taking, nihilism, etc etc you name it)

Blog post over, but if I could get your opinion then that would be fantastic. It's refreshing to realize that smart, likeable and friendly people lurk on /lit/, even though most of the time people are ironic assholes that hate themselves and their lives and seek some sort of validation and purpose by posting sarcastic memes here - laughing on the outside but crying on the inside. For all you out there: go talk to someone, it helps man. If I did it then you sure as hell can :)

[Pic related: the quote is actually the most humaniststic thing Land has written... it's just that he doesn't know / wouldn't want to acknowledge it. Tomorrow can take care of itself because today is of the highest priority - we can prepare for tomorrow by excelling at today. At least that's what I think now...]

>> No.12457977 [View]
File: 15 KB, 640x320, nick-landweb[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a government officer in a third world country is sent to investigate the nature and causes of the collapse of the once-great NATO empire. through the shock, horror, and dismay experienced on his journey he discovers a neo-feudal anarchy ruled by hedonists who can bend the interpretation of reality to manipulate and command the emotionally weak using disastrous advances in communication technology.

>> No.12321305 [View]
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Purse = buying things = capitalism = sentient IA from the future securing their existence and the planetary intelligence that will come with it

Organics btfo

>> No.11993246 [DELETED]  [View]
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Should we accelerate the degradation of our environment?

>> No.11778797 [View]
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Capitalism has barely even begun

>> No.11643599 [View]
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Anons, although everyone here is essentially aware of Nick Land's more D and G influenced prose filled works, we need to talk about his dark enlightenment text. I was nodding along until I hit his Austrian school recommendations, including reinstating the gold standard, and I just felt this was a total betrayal of his wonderful infatuation with capital acceleration as theorised within the Marxian D and G tradition. I feel this text, although valuable in analyzing the current zeitgheist, doesn't represent total continuity with many of Land's stated positions. Especially when he retains some Marxian notions throughout the text. Thoughts?

>> No.11487389 [View]
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Hey sorry if this was posted already, just found a 3 hour interview with Nick Land author of Fanged Noumena

>> No.11054260 [View]
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>> No.10441824 [View]
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Haha retards

>> No.10411177 [View]
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let them dream

>> No.10343477 [View]
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>tfw you realize he was right all along

Who /awakened/ here?

>> No.10301873 [View]
File: 13 KB, 640x320, nick land.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Nick Land the definite thinker of our times?

>> No.9953300 [View]
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Luckily we don't need it.

>> No.9897061 [View]
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You're not stopping shit senpai

We wuz Capital n'shiet

>> No.9605557 [View]
File: 13 KB, 640x320, tomorror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attempting to opt out of social atomization (or modernism or consumerism or whatever) only accelerates it because "opting out" is modernity itself.

>Protestantism – Real Abstract Protestantism – which is ever more likely to identify itself as post-Christian, post-theistic, and post-Everything Else, is a self-propelling machine for incomprehensibly prolonged social disintegration, and everyone knows it. Atomization has become an autonomous, inhuman agency, or at least, something ever more autonomous, and ever more inhuman. It can only liquidate everything you’ve ever cared about, by its very nature, so – of course – no one likes it. Catholicism, socialism, and nationalism have sought, in succession, coalition, or mutual competition, to rally the shards of violated community against it. The long string of defeat that ensued has been a rich source of cultural and political mythology. Because there is really no choice but to resist, battle has always been rejoined, but without any serious sign of any reversal of fortune...

>After so much has already been torn apart, with so many monstrosities spawned, it is no doubt exhausting to be told that while almost everything remains to be built, no less still waits to be broken. Atomization has already gone too far, we are incessantly told. If so, the future will be hard. There can be no realistic doubt that it will be extremely divided. The dynamo driving things tends irresistibly in that direction. Try to split, and it whirls faster.

>> No.8973550 [View]
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Where did Nick Land say that

>> No.8482490 [View]
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Not if you


>> No.8401276 [View]
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NRx is the logical conclusion of Postmodernist theory

Patchwork = Pastiche, Heterotopia, radical geopolitical eclecticism.

Rejection of metanarratives = The past as ideas space, seeking influence in reactionary philosophy, Carlyle etc.

NRx trichotomy, Moldbug's textual irony and humor, co-founder, like Foucault et al has Marxist influences. Rejection of Leftist inertia in French theory, embrace of Capital as self-legitimising metanarrative, absolute fragmentation.

>> No.8205347 [DELETED]  [View]
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>britain wants to secede from the EU
>scotland wants to secede from britain for political reasons
>london wants to secede too

where were you when theautist in pic related proved to be correct?

secession and exit politics are the future...

as well as uncontrolled capitalist accumulation and AIpocalypse

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