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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.3957881 [View]
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My local gaming shop has been recruiting writers to act as reporters for their card game tournaments. I applied, but the response email asked a question I didn't know how to answer.

They asked for expected pay per day and weekend if the event was long enough. Having never been paid to write, I have no idea what to ask for. I'm afraid to say too much and get shut out, but I still want to make it worth my time (events run an average of 12 hours not including travel time).

Any freelance writers have wisdom to share?

>> No.3449301 [View]
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Also, I don't get how he wasn't willing to lie in court out of a sense of self-preservation, but he was perfectly willing to lie on Raymond's behalf because "there was no reason not to".

>> No.2471267 [View]
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/lit/, what's the most intentionally depressing thing you've ever read?

>> No.2113011 [View]
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I have a problem with writing prose /lit/. When it comes to concepts, beginnings, endings and how to piece a story together I've never really felt like I've been able to pace a story properly.

Is there way to write efficiently without rushing? Or to know the balance between fluff and healthy exposition?

>> No.2013320 [View]
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Anyone else have trouble with the small details? It's easy to kick out crap, "x goes to y and does z" but how do you make the reader see the war torn streets? Smell the flesh of the burnt bodies? Feel what the main character feels when he sees his buddy crushed under a tank?

>> No.1973393 [View]
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Does anyone know of any places within the Los Angeles area where one could read their poetry aloud, like a cafe with poetry night, for example?

>> No.1885612 [View]
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We will never know.

>> No.1868997 [View]
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Has there been a successful attempt to subvert fantasy? For that matter, has anyone tried to write within the genre without being a carbon copy of Tolkien or simply moving common elements to a modern setting?

It feels like that entire section of literature is lazy with regard to new ideas.

>> No.1866361 [View]
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Anonymous is civil disobedience incarnate. At its best it's a patriot seeking justice, at its worse it's an infant setting fire to its crib.

It's something that has always been around and will never go away.

>> No.1821310 [View]
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>I mean.... wtf? that guy with the glasses is clearly a reference to uncle Bill "i don't care a shit" Gates?

Fuck this generation.

>> No.1701006 [View]
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hey /lit/, i'm attempting writing, and i'm drowning in potential pitfalls

in particular; what are the best ways to handle fights within writing? in your experience?

heavy on the details? light on them? narrate from a single character's perspective? i know so little about how to effectively approach this that i can't even offer more than three posibilities

anyone have any examples of fight scenes being done WELL?

>> No.1698402 [View]
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hey /lit/, i'm attempting writing, and i'm drowning in potential pitfalls

in particular; what are the best ways to handle fights within writing? in your experience?

heavy on the details? light on them? narrate from a single character's perspective? i know so little about how to effectively approach this that i can't even offer more than three posibilities

>> No.1475076 [View]
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i'm going to describe some characters i'm working on. i have never _EVER_ done character building before so if they're shitty or generic, i'd like to know, but also would like to get some reasons or feedback. I'm not going to describe their appearance, occupation, or setting. By the way they're all friends of a sort

dude 1 = obsessed with being the best or appearing cool. Brought on by being chosen early in life to be the next bearer of a certain thing, and thus being teased. Kind of a jackass, insensitive, rude, but has a compassionate side that shows at times, and usually only to his friends, which he immediately tries to cover up.

Dude 2 = a lazy, but very kind fellow. Could be mistaken for a stoner if weed existed here. Moderately dependable when he remembers to do things. Acts as the kinda-sorta wisdom of the group, even if he can only deliver it in nuggets or half-forms which lose some of their meaning. Actually wants to be the successor thing that dude 1 was chosen to be, as such they're close friends.

Dude 3 = an antisocial loner. expert at what he does but tries to do it in secret since he doesn't like people watching. Has difficulty speaking more than three words at a time. With the help of the rest he's learning to open up, but it's very difficult as he's been this way for most of his life. Dude 1 often sticks up for him

Dude 4 = brilliant, but conceited and a jackass. uses the term plebian a lot. Has some serious issues with regards to a professor he used to study under. Dabbles in a lot of different sciences, but generally considers himself the only one smart enough to understand what he's doing, so he doesn't teach any of his skills to others. Butts head A LOT with dude 1 and dude 2

continued in next post

>> No.1463856 [View]
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/lit/ i need some help with world building and writing.

-what are some good aspects for villains to have? The guy i'm writing isn't really sympathetic but he certainly believes he's doing the right thing. he's a huge asshole though and incredibly fucked up.

-introducing characters. my current revision has them basically being chosen by the main character who's a naive piece of shit. I'm doing my best to stick some comical character interactions in there so they leave more of an impression once they join the team, but they're coming out a little bland, any tips?

>> No.1332615 [View]
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Am I supposed to know who she is?
Can someone tell me?
I've read Leaves of Grass(some of it), Thus Spoke Zarathustra, 1984 and Lolita. I do want to read all those other books too, though! Has she read any Camus or Schopenhauer? Or Krishnamurti? If so I want to know who she is more.

>> No.1293194 [View]
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>> No.1231111 [View]
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So I need to write something creative that works in quotes/phrases from a foreign language on any topic. I can write on just about anything, but I need a topic that would flow better and wouldn't take forever to write.

tl;dr topics to write long creative essays on.

>> No.1214014 [View]
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Synonym for war-hungry?

>> No.1199878 [View]
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can /lit/ direct me to a precis archive?

>> No.1136512 [View]
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Smarter than you...

>> No.930034 [View]
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Fucking /b/

>> No.857282 [View]
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>> No.753596 [View]
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I absolutely hate it when I see stupid hipster kids or pretentious faggots say their favorites books are The Diary of Che or the Communist Manifesto or The Capital when they wouldn't obviously rather live in a country ridden by mediocrity and no sense of achievement.

I ahte it when feminazis bitch about female writers not being considered important just because they're female and not because they're good.

I hate how the erotic genre has become shit due to the great amount of popcorn-tier shit and self inserts of "erotic" novels.

I hate Nicholas Sparks with all my might and wish he died and slow and painful death.

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