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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.3637519 [View]
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>You've repeatedly intimated that by denying the validity of certain approaches (though really I only ever argued against their 'singular validity') I have exhausted the critical potentialities of literature.

I have never denied any approach. I am all for aesthetic readings of literature, but those can't be all the tools you use. It's like only looking at the use of colour in a Hieronymus Bosch painting; there's so much more in there than that.

You're an EXPERT at strawman arguments, I'll give you that.

>> No.3084338 [View]
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>Spelling corrected.

>> No.2956412 [View]
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>If that's a conspiracy

The point is that it isn't.

>> No.2860375 [View]
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Just no.

>> No.2817029 [DELETED]  [View]
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/lit/ this link gets all of my rage.

All of it.


Not only is it a shitty website, the comments are some of the most retarded on any website ever.

Also rage thread.

>> No.2788151 [View]
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Sure is getting /pol/ up in here...

>> No.2539694 [View]
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Far be it from /lit/ to recognize obvious sarcasm. Might as well head right on over to /b/.

>> No.2463247 [View]
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Its not a twist, its like an easter egg for the people who read the books again.

>> No.2256108 [View]
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Oh God, yes. Stephenie Meyer and J.K. Rowling, the glorious heroines of female writing.

>> No.2227484 [View]
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>defines freedom as the right to do anything you want without infringing upon the rights of others
>anything you want without

>without being able to do something
> absolute freedom?

>> No.2119547 [View]
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My opinion: the only Americans who may be entitled to the Nobel are Maya Angelou and maybe Don DeLillo, although I don't think the prize should ever go to someone who's solely a novelist. May as well give it to John Grisham.

The UK and the USA aren't in the frame this time round, I think. Lessing and Pinter have won recently, so fuck you britfags. The whole obama debacle may have scared the nobelfags away from giving it to an American for a while, I think.

Unless they decide "fuck that noise" and go full retard and give it to Dylan because they used to get laid to Blood on the Tracks when they were kids.

>> No.2042021 [View]
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Dear /lit/

I just picked up House of Leaves (recommended to me by /x/ as a great horror novel).

I know nothing of it and am about to start reading it after I have some dinner. What was your opinion of this tome?

Pic is my reaction after reading the last thing recommended to me by this site (Atlas Shrugged).

>> No.1850550 [View]
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That's the only one you spotted?

ITT: Summercunts with poor educations are trolled by cuntpaste

>> No.1796996 [View]
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The love story is not the primary plot, nor is it even the secondary plot. It was only set up just to show how easily they would betray one another despite the ardent promises they made to each other not to.

>> No.1773283 [View]
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mfw I've been doing[space]this for 4 years.

>> No.1641925 [View]
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Sorry, I didn’t mean to sage.

>> No.1532921 [View]
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...If you're going to try samefagging, don't use the same fucking name.

>> No.1526569 [View]
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someone please ban this kid

>> No.1512027 [View]
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>if Egypt had a muslim leadership installed they may declare war on Israel
There is so much wrong with that statement, and it's not even your fault.

>> No.1505888 [View]
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>> No.1403051 [View]
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>> No.1395970 [View]
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Goddamnit 'brax, quit attention whoring and gtfo my internets. 4chan is not where people make friends, it's where anonymous sacks of shit battle it out mercilessly to force reprocessed vomit down the others throat and piss on their eyes. You obviously can't handle it, so don't clog up /lit/ with this shit

>> No.1357876 [View]
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Stranger: Hey
You: Name an American writer.
Stranger: Margaret Atwood
You: Thank you.

>mfw she's Canadian

>> No.1346984 [View]
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