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>> No.6947113 [View]
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>Waiting for Godot is about a dialogue between a Left Wing Master and his Slave, with a Right Wing Master and his Slave
>To us, its incomprehensible, because we have never known revolutionary terror. So we graft on all sorts of absurd shit to it.
>But the message of Waiting for Godot is that Vladimir doesn't want to become Godot, because he knows how terrible being Vladimir Lenin really is.

Particular things overlooked.

>The shoes represent Estragon giving up his present in hopes some one will take up his future.
>Estragon wants to kill himself, because without a "Revolutionary," life is unbearable.
>Vladimir, OTOH, uses his superior intellect to trick Estragon to remaining alive, so that they could hang out.
>When Lucky puts on the hat, he spouts nonsense about his reality. This represents alot of the stuff you read on Pol, when right wingers come with Beck-Tier bullshit.
>Notice how Estragon keeps trying to wear Vladimir's hat, but doesn't suit him. No matter how hard he tries, he cannot be the Lenin, even if he wants to.
>Even worse. Estragon cannot take off the boot, because as a Left Wing worker, he is too incapable of doing what only Vladmir can do.
>Potso dies in the end, without 'Leninist' intervention. But even then, Vladimir doesn't want to be Lenin.
>Also Potso is extremely overconfident, by referring to off screen "glories."
>Eventually, the audience loses track of what its watching, because the topic is so terribad, people can't understand what they are looking at.
>If they did, they wouldn't want to watch it.
>For even Patricians, it's the closest thing to a real life King in Yellow.

It goes on and on.

The entire play is Beckett's rationalization of why he doesn't want to be a Communist. There are other weird absurd things, (like the boy is an outright fucking fiction that Beckett tells the Audience, to make them sympathize with Beckett.

>1946 Paris.
>Nobody knows shit about the late 40s.
>ergo. nobody made that connection.

Furthermore, Post-Modernists cannot into Beckett. The author explicitly forbid women in his god damn play. How could they then understand his reasoning, without shouting "TRIGGERED!"

>Waiting for Godot and Coriolanus are the two plays that Academia never understood, because both deal with the rationalization of genocidal terror.

Finally. Anyone who has PTSD should see this play. Because its designed for them.

>Pic related.
>This is what politics was about in Beckett's time.

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